Page 410 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume I
P. 410

Housing and Community Investment

                                           General Administration and Support
                                  Program Changes                           Direct Cost  Positions   Total Cost
           Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special
           Continuation of Services
            66. Administrative Services                                          195,565          -       283,303
                Continue funding and resolution authority for one Senior
                Project Coordinator and add funding and resolution authority
                for one Management Analyst to provide administrative services
                to the Department. One vacant Housing and Planning
                Economic Analyst is not continued. Partial funding is provided
                by the Systematic Code Enforcement Fee Fund ($79,614), the
                Community Development Trust Fund ($25,658), the Rent
                Stabilization Trust Fund ($23,761), and other special funds
                ($54,524). Related costs consist of employee benefits
                SG: $195,565
                Related Costs: $87,738

            67. Executive Management                                             820,187          -     1,154,882
                Continue funding and resolution authority for six positions
                consisting of two Assistant General Managers Los Angeles
                Housing Department, one Executive Administrative Assistant II,
                one Housing Planning and Economic Analyst, one Senior
                Management Analyst II, and one Management Analyst to
                provide oversight and manage the Department. Partial funding
                is provided by the Systematic Code Enforcement Fee Fund
                ($257,185), Community Development Trust Fund ($110,106),
                Rent Stabilization Fund ($76,761), and other special funds
                ($320,187). Related costs consist of employee benefits.
                SG: $820,187
                Related Costs: $334,695
            68. Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities                    96,066          -       139,407
                Continue funding and resolution authority for one Housing
                Planning and Economic Analyst to coordinate grant
                applications and project implementation for the Affordable
                Housing and Sustainable Communities Program. Costs will be
                partially reimbursed by the Affordable Housing and Sustainable
                Communities Grant ($72,050). Related costs consist of
                employee benefits. See related Department of Public Works
                Bureaus of Engineering and Street Lighting and Department of
                Transportation items.
                SG: $96,066
                Related Costs: $43,341
            69. Affordable Housing Linkage Fee                                    87,210          -       127,840
                Continue funding and resolution authority for one Management
                Analyst within the Affordable Housing Linkage Fee program.
                Funding is provided by the Housing Impact Trust Fund.
                Related costs consist of employee benefits.
                SG: $87,210
                Related Costs: $40,630

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