Page 413 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume I
P. 413

                                      DETAIL OF CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT

               2018-19      2019-20      2019-20                                                           2020-21
               Actual       Adopted     Estimated                   Program/Code/Description              Contract
             Expenditures    Budget    Expenditures                                                       Amount
                                                     Development and Finance - BN4301

         $                          -   $  11,830  $           12,000   1. Consulting and training services...................................................................  $                    -
                                    -            80,000            20,000   2. Architectural plan review and cost estimate..................................................           60,000
                                    -          150,000            38,000   3. Prevailing wage compliance services...........................................................         112,500
         $                          -   $  241,830  $           70,000         Development and Finance Total  $         172,500
                                                     Asset Management - BN4302

         $                          -   $  75,306  $           75,000   4. Website registry development/maintenance.................................................  $           76,000
                                    -       1,306,837       1,307,000   5. Occupancy monitoring services....................................................................      1,395,842
                          10,390                      -             4,000   6. Data services...............................................................................................                     -
         $                10,390   $      1,382,143   $      1,386,000              Asset Management Total  $      1,471,842
                                                     Rent Stabilization - BN4305

         $                91,682   $  55,000  $           84,000   7. Security/janitorial services............................................................................  $           55,000
                               480   2,000             2,000   8. Translations - oral and written......................................................................                    -
                          49,249          200,000          352,000   9. Rent Stabilization Ordinance outreach consultant services...........................         230,000
                        289,766                     -                     -   10. Paralegal services........................................................................................                     -
         $              431,177   $         257,000   $         438,000              Rent Stabilization Total  $         285,000

                                                     Multi-family Residential Code Enforcement - BC4306
         $                74,613   $  100,000  $           89,000   11. Cell phones..................................................................................................  $         100,000
                        139,970   129,743         164,000   12. Security/janitorial services............................................................................         129,743
                            1,940   10,000           10,000   13. Translations - oral and written......................................................................                    -
                                    -   1,002             1,000   14. Code Enforcement inspection equipment.....................................................             1,002
                          12,115                     -                     -   15. Telecommunication equipment/lighting electrical accessory.........................                    -
         $              228,638   $         240,745   $         264,000   Multi-family Residential Code Enforcement Total  $         230,745

                                                     Code and Rent Compliance - BC4307
         $                          -   $             1,587   $             2,000   16. Translations - oral and written......................................................................  $                    -
         $                          -   $  1,587  $             2,000         Code and Rent Compliance Total  $                    -

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