Page 418 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume I
P. 418

Housing and Community Investment

                    Position Counts
                                                                                      2020-21 Salary Range and Annual
             2019-20    Change   2020-21    Code                  Title

            Regular Positions
                1         -        1     9270       General Manager Los Angeles               (248,409)
                                                    Housing Department
                3         -        3     9271       Assistant General Manager Los   6946(2)   (145,032 - 217,861)
                                                    Angeles Housing Department
               591       (1)      590

            Commissioner Positions
                33        -       33     0101-1    Commissioner                     $25/mtg
                7         -        7     0106      Member Rent Adjustment           $50/mtg
                7         -        7     0115      Member Affordable Housing        $50/mtg
                47        -       47

            AS NEEDED

            To be Employed As Needed in Such Numbers as Required
                                         1111      Messenger Clerk                  1444(5)   (30,150 - 45,330)
                                         1112      Community and Administrative     $14.25/hr
                                                   Support Worker I
                                         1113      Community and Administrative     $16.69/hr
                                                   Support Worker II
                                         1114      Community and Administrative     $20.79/hr
                                                   Support Worker III
                                         1141      Clerk                            1781(2)   (37,187 - 55,854)
                                         1223      Accounting Clerk                 2414(2)   (50,404 - 75,710)
                                         1358      Administrative Clerk             1853(2)   (38,690 - 58,088)
                                         1501      Student Worker                   $16.10/hr
                                         1502      Student Professional Worker      1390(7)   (29,023 - 43,597)
                                         1513      Accountant                       2713(2)   (56,647 - 85,086)

                         Regular Positions   Commissioner Positions
                Total         590                   47

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