Page 423 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume I
P. 423

Information Technology Agency

                                  Program Changes                           Direct Cost  Positions   Total Cost
           Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special
           Deletion of One-Time Services
             6. Deletion of Funding for Resolution Authorities               (2,521,243)         -    (3,716,416)
                Delete funding for 31 resolution authority positions.
                Resolution authorities are reviewed annually and continued
                only if sufficient funding is available to maintain the current
                service level.  Related costs consist of employee benefits.

                22 positions are continued as regular positions:
                Channel 35 Support (Two positions)
                3-1-1 Call Center Staffing (14 positions)
                Citywide Data Science and Predictive Analytics Team (Three
                Financial Management Support (Three positions)

                Seven positions are continued:
                Digital Inclusion (One position)
                Payroll System Project Support (Four positions)
                CyberLabLA (Two positions)

                Two positions are not continued:
                Los Angeles Street Civic Building (Two positions)
                SG: ($2,521,243)
                Related Costs: ($1,195,173)
             7. Deletion of One-Time Salary Funding                          (1,135,509)         -    (1,489,335)
                Delete one-time Salaries, General funding. Related costs
                consist of employee benefits.
                SG: ($1,135,509)
                Related Costs: ($353,826)
             8. Deletion of One-Time Special Funding                         (7,368,796)         -    (7,368,796)
                Delete one-time Communications Services Account funding.
                SP: ($7,368,796)
             9. Deletion of One-Time Expense Funding                         (6,565,000)         -    (6,565,000)
                Delete one-time funding for expense purchases.
                EX: ($6,565,000)
           Continuation of Services

            10. ShakeAlertLA                                                      35,000         -        35,000
                Realign funding totaling $65,000 between budgetary
                programs to continue support for the ShakeAlertLA
                application. Increase ongoing funding in the amount of
                $35,000 to the Contractual Services Account to continue
                support for the ShakeAlertLA application. The application
                provides a warning to the public in advance of shaking from
                an earthquake and was developed in partnership with the
                United States Geological Survery.
                EX: $35,000

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