Page 464 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume II
P. 464
Sewer Construction and Maintenance Fund
2019-20 2020-21
Adopted Budget Proposed Budget
Balance Available, July 1 $ 50,311,650 $ 63,362,950
Receipts: Additional Revenue Debt 315,982,004 219,948,597
Build America Bonds and Recovery 5,502,571 5,502,600
Zone Economic Development Bond
(BABs and RZEDB) Refunds
General Fund 8,575,000 -
Industrial Waste Surcharge 18,600,000 20,885,351
Revenue from Green Acres Farm 1,680,000 1,680,000
Revenue from Recycled Water Sales 10,810,800 5,152,908
Reimbursement from Other Agencies 3,801,000 4,101,000
Repayment of Loans 223,000 1,111,301
Sewer Service Charge 665,533,000 709,501,000
Sewage Disposal Contracts
Operations and Maintenance 39,000,000 28,122,011
Capital 42,000,000 17,066,239
Sewerage Facilities Charge 13,950,000 13,950,000
Other Receipts 5,321,260 3,741,873
Interest 9,759,000 10,053,606
Total Receipts $ 1,140,737,635 $ 1,040,816,486
Total Available Balance $ 1,191,049,285 $ 1,104,179,436
Available cash balance at July 1 reflects funds that are projected to be unobligated from prior years which are
available for appropriation in the budget and excludes restricted funds that are not available to fund appropriations
such as the Debt Service Reserve Fund, Emergency Fund, 2020-21 operating reserve, 50 percent cash reserve for
the 2020-21 Capital Improvement Expenditure Program (CIEP), and various bond rebate funds.