Page 466 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume II
P. 466

Sewer Construction and Maintenance Fund

                                                                                  2019-20            2020-21
                                                                              Adopted Budget    Proposed Budget

             In accordance with enterprise fund operations, expense and equipment
             items are budgeted for expenditure directly from the SCM for the
             following departments. Variances are due to reductions to contracts and
             one-time equipment purchases.

                 Bureau of Contract Administration – Equipment and expense.    $        63,700   $         65,400

                 Bureau of Engineering – Contracts, equipment, and expense.          1,362,800          1,398,200

                 Bureau of  Sanitation  – Contractual services, field equipment    132,073,554        132,848,566
                 expenses, operating supplies, administrative supplies, furniture,
                 equipment, and security improvements. This amount also includes
                 accounting charges for discontinued capital projects.

                 Capital Finance Administration – Debt service contribution for the   2,524,358         2,523,589
                 Public Works Building.

                 Department of Water and Power (DWP) Billing/Collection Fee –        2,980,800          2,980,800
                 Funds are provided for the costs of billing and collection of the
                 Sewer Service Charge.

                 General Services  – Office leases, laboratory expenses,            14,983,400         12,573,500
                 replacement vehicles, and miscellaneous expenses.

                 Liability Claims – Funds are provided for damage claims made by     5,370,072          5,370,072
                 residents against the City for repair costs resulting from the City’s
                 sewer system. Funds for liability claims greater than $50,000 were
                 previously included in the Sanitation Expense and Equipment item.
                 Sewer Connection Financial Assistance Program – Funds are           6,600,000         6,600,000`
                 provided to assist property owners with the repair or replacement of
                 sewer laterals and to assist owners to properly abandon their on-
                 site wastewater treatment system and connect to the City’s sewer
                 system where feasible.

                 Sewer Service Charge Refunds – Funds are provided for refunds        500,000            500,000
                 issued to residents in the event of Sewer Service Charge
                 Street Damage Restoration Fee – Funds are provided for street       3,000,000          3,000,000
                 resurfacing costs related to sewer construction.
                 Utilities – Gas, water, electricity, and telephone expenses at plants   25,584,956    26,447,356
                 and field locations.

                 Subtotal Expense and Equipment                                $   195,043,640   $    194,307,483

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