Page 491 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume II
P. 491
Stormwater Program Funds
2019-20 2020-21
Adopted Budget Proposed Budget
Reimbursement of General Fund Costs - Funds are provided to 6,187,388 6,715,708
reimburse the General Fund for fringe benefits, central services, and
department administration and support.
Subtotal Special Purpose Fund Appropriations $ 39,358,422 $ 34,125,369
CIEP Physical Plant - In 2019-20, funding for stormwater capital projects $ 12,051,560 $ 8,264,272
was provided by the Measure W. In 2020-21, funding for flood control
projects will be provided by the General Fund and funding for water quality
projects will be provided by Measure W.
Subtotal Capital Improvement Expenditure Program $ 12,051,560 $ 8,264,272
TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 39,680,177 $ 68,798,695