Page 497 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume II
P. 497


                                        BASIS FOR THE PROPOSED BUDGET

            The 2020-21 Proposed Budget for the Unappropriated Balance relates to current year funding, as follows:

                                                                        Amount                 % Change

                     2019-20 Adopted Budget                     $         115,319,965

                     2020-21 Proposed Budget                    $         89,869,881
                     Change from 2019-20 Budget                 $         (25,450,084)           (22.1%)

            In accordance with Charter Section 312, the Unappropriated Balance provides funds for appropriations after the
            budget adoption to meet contingencies as they arise.  Specific funding, personnel, equipment, and/or procedures
            cannot be adequately defined for contingencies that occur during the fiscal year. By recognizing such contingencies
            in the Unappropriated Balance, start-up funding is provided.  Use of monies in the Unappropriated Balance is
            subject to approval of specific reports and recommendations to the Mayor and Council.

                                                                                      2019-20         2020-21
                                                                                     Adopted         Proposed
                                                                                      Budget          Budget

             1.   Accessible Housing Program Retrofit Contracts  ....................................    $  6,000,000      $  2,000,000
             2.   Animal Sterilization Trust Fund................................................................    500,000      --
             3.   Bank Transition Implementation  .............................................................    2,000,000      --
             4.   Cannabis – Public Information Campaign and Enforcement  .................    750,000           --
             5.   City Attorney Board of Rights Proceeding  ..............................................    250,000      --
             6.   City Hall Lighting Public Art Project  ........................................................    300,000      --
             7.   Civil and Human Rights Commission  .....................................................    500,000      --
             8.   Clean Streets LA/HOPE Expansion  .......................................................   6,468,000  --
             9.   Climate Change Emergency Projects  ....................................................    300,000      --
             10. Consolidated Municipal Elections  ...........................................................    9,800,000      --
             11.  Community Investment and Opportunity Department  ............................    --      250,000
             12.  Discovery Cube Los Angeles (DCLA)  ....................................................    --      500,000
             13. Emergency Management Department Oversight  ...................................    68,000        --
             14.  Equipment, Expenses, and Alterations & Improvements  .......................    4,544,725      5,044,725
             15.  Eviction Prevention and Homeless Prevention Services  .......................    2,000,000      --
             16.  Fire Shelter Safety Devices  ....................................................................    798,868      --
             17.  Fire Standards of Cover Analysis  ...........................................................    400,000      --
             18. General  ...................................................................................................   50,000  50,000
             19.  General Municipal Elections 2020 ...........................................................    --      13,000,000
             20.  Ground Emergency Medical Transport QAF Program  ...........................    5,312,000      6,700,000
             21.  Land Mobile Radio Site Infrastructure Upgrades ....................................    --      3,022,610
             22.  Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority Program Expenses  .............    2,000,000           --
             23.  Mutual Aid Overtime  ...............................................................................    3,000,000      3,000,000
             24.  Neighborhood Council Subdivision Elections  .........................................    250,000      --
             25. Neighborhood Councils  ..........................................................................    168,000      --
             26.  Office of Petroleum and Natural Gas Administration and Safety  ...........    68,000           --
             27.  Office of Public Accountability Studies  ...................................................    750,000      750,000
             28. Outside Counsel including Workers’ Compensation  ..............................    1,500,000      1,500,000
             29. Personnel Related Cybersecurity Measures  ..........................................    --      300,000
             30.  Pipeline Abandonment Engineering Consulting Services .......................    85,000         --
             31.  Police Department Sworn Overtime – Cash Payout ...............................    --      5,000,000
             32.  Police Department Sworn Overtime – Homelessness Initiatives  ...........    5,000,000          --
             33.  Police Department Sworn Overtime – Westlake/MacArthur Park  ..........    554,800              --
             34.  Police Department Targeted Sworn Recruitment   ...................................    750,000      --
             35.  Recreation and Parks SwimLA ................................................................    1,300,000      --

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