Page 179 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 179

Board of Public Works
                                                  SUPPORTING DATA
                             DISTRIBUTION OF 2020-21 TOTAL COST OF PROGRAMS

                                                BC7401       BD7402        FG7403        FG7449        FG7405
                                               Office of   Project Restore  Public Works  Public Works  Public Works
                                              Community                   Accounting     Financial    Board and
                                              Beautification                             Systems        Board

           Salaries                                641,055       129,828      4,802,118      604,417     2,252,601
           Expense                               13,303,775           -         72,657            -        77,410
           Equipment                                    -             -             -             -             -

           Special                                      -             -             -             -             -
           Total Departmental Budget             13,944,830      129,828      4,874,775      604,417     2,330,011

           Support Program Allocation               57,870         6,430       379,368      (604,417)      128,599

           Related and Indirect Costs
           Pensions and Retirement                 272,316        30,257      1,785,178           -        605,145
           Human Resources Benefits                157,512        17,501      1,032,575           -        350,026

           Water and Electricity                    19,752         2,195       129,489            -        43,895
           Building Services                        66,615         7,402       436,702            -        148,035
           Other Department Related Costs           62,612         6,957       410,456            -        139,138

           Capital Finance and Wastewater           31,194         3,466       204,497            -        69,321
           Bond Interest and Redemption                 -             -             -             -             -
           Liability Claims                             -             -             -             -             -

           Judgement Obligation Bond Debt Service       -             -             -             -             -
           Other Special Purpose Allocations            -             -             -             -             -
           Non-Department Allocations              116,747        12,972       765,340            -        259,437

           Subtotal Related Costs                  726,748        80,750      4,764,237           -      1,614,997

           Cost Allocated to Other Departments          -             -             -             -             -

           Total Cost of Program                 14,729,448      217,008     10,018,380           -      4,073,607

           Positions                                    9             1            59             5            20

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