Page 241 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
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General City Purposes

               Actual        Adopted       Estimated                                                    Total
            Expenditures      Budget      Expenditures                                                 Budget
              2018-19        2019-20        2019-20                                                    2020-21

                                        EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS
                                                     General Fund

                       -      9,000,000      9,000,000 Additional Homeless Services                     10,000,000
                       -        192,000             - Aging Programs Various                               192,000
                 864,191        998,190       998,000 Annual City Audit/Single Audit                       998,190
                   8,043         12,500       130,000 California Contract Cities                            11,250
                       -        450,000             - Census Operations and Outreach                             -
                  42,868         43,000        43,000 Central Avenue Jazz Festival                          43,000
                       -              -             - City Plants                                          128,000
                       -        406,009             - City Volunteer Bureau                                406,009
                  47,000         47,000        47,000 City/County Native American Indian Commission         42,300
                       -        500,000             - Clean and Green Job Program                          575,000
                       -      1,617,762      1,618,000 Clean Streets - Related Costs                     1,800,000
                       -        200,000       200,000 Climate Emergency Commission                               -
                       -        100,000       100,000 Clinica Romero                                       100,000
                       -        813,615             - Congregate Meals for Seniors                         813,615
                3,273,061     7,454,814      7,455,000 Council Community Projects                        3,777,814
                1,431,556     1,418,000      1,418,000 Council District Community Services               1,418,000
                       -              -     20,000,000 COVID-19 Emergency Response                               -
                       -        130,000       130,000 County Service-Massage Parlor Regulation             117,000
                       -        230,000             - Crisis Response Team                                 230,000
                       -        900,000       900,000 Discovery Cube Los Angeles                                 -
                 676,103      1,754,000      1,754,000 Domestic Abuse Response Teams                     1,754,000
                       -              -        58,000 DWP Pension Audit                                          -
                 150,000        889,499       889,000 embRACE LA                                           389,499
                                                      National League of Cities 2018 Summit in Los
                  50,000              -             -                                                            -
                       -        250,000             - Equity and Community Well-Being                      250,000
                  21,109              -             - Fire Police Pension Defrayal                               -
                       -     28,528,467             - Gang Reduction and Youth Development Office       25,528,467
                       -         15,000        15,000 Government Alliance on Race and Equity                     -
                       -        160,000             - Great Streets                                        160,000
                       -        205,000             - Green Workforce/Sustainability Plan                  205,000
                 172,635        200,000             - Heritage Month Celebration and Special Events        200,000
                       -      2,667,230      2,667,000 Home-Delivered Meals for Seniors                  2,667,230
                       -     26,815,446             - Homeless Shelter Program                          28,247,646
                       -        860,000             - Homelessness Support                                 860,000

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