Page 246 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 246

Human Resources Benefits
          An annual sum is appropriated to each line item in this Fund for the following purposes: (1) payment of all workers'
          compensation and rehabilitation bills, claims, and awards; (2) payment of subsidies for the City's benefits program; and
          (3) payment of unemployment insurance claims. This Fund may also be used to provide other benefits as approved by
          the Mayor and Council. The Personnel Department administers this Fund. All civilian Health, Dental, Disability, and Life
          Insurance subsidies are included in the Civilian FLEX Program line item.
               Actual         Adopted         Estimated                                                 Total
            Expenditures       Budget       Expenditures                                               Budget
              2018-19         2019-20         2019-20                                                 2020-21

                                        EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS
               282,512,884     291,508,768     298,858,768 Civilian FLEX Program                       312,546,518
                24,085,861      26,779,000      26,779,000 Contractual Services                         27,673,310
                 2,078,352       1,659,543       1,844,543 Employee Assistance Program                   1,838,979
                56,927,151      58,750,209      58,938,409 Fire Health and Welfare Program              60,897,566
               156,625,298     158,626,501     157,451,501 Police Health and Welfare Program           159,300,749
                 5,070,209       5,140,356       5,940,356 Supplemental Civilian Union Benefits          5,936,847
                 2,451,849       2,800,000       2,365,000 Unemployment Insurance                        2,300,000
               195,984,560     198,300,000     203,300,000 Workers' Compensation/Rehabilitation        230,100,000

               725,736,164     743,564,377     755,477,577 Total Human Resources Benefits              800,593,969

               Actual         Adopted         Estimated                                                 Total
            Expenditures       Budget        Expenditures                                              Budget
              2018-19          2019-20         2019-20                                                 2020-21
                                                   SOURCES OF FUNDS
               725,736,164     743,564,377     755,477,577 General Fund                                 800,593,969

               725,736,164     743,564,377      755,477,577 Total Funds                                 800,593,969

                                                   SUPPORTING DATA

                             DISTRIBUTION OF 2020-21 APPROPRIATIONS BY PROGRAMS
                  Code/Program            Salaries      Expenses       Equipment        Special         Budget
          FE Human Resources Benefits               -              -              -     800,593,969     800,593,969
          Total                                     -              -              -     800,593,969     800,593,969

                                DISTRIBUTION OF 2020-21 TOTAL COST OF PROGRAMS

                                                         Support                      Allocated to
                                                         Program         Related         Other
                                          Budget        Allocation       Costs          Budgets          Total
          FE Human Resources Benefits     800,593,969              -              -    (800,593,969)             -
           Total                          800,593,969              -              -    (800,593,969)             -

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