Page 250 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 250

Proposition A Local Transit Assistance Fund

               Actual        Adopted       Estimated                                                    Total
            Expenditures      Budget      Expenditures                                                 Budget
              2018-19        2019-20        2019-20                                                    2020-21

                                        EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS
                                                     Proposition A Local Transit Assistance Fund (Sch. 26)

                4,850,437     3,000,000      3,000,000 Bikeshare Operations and Maintenance              5,000,000
               11,889,947     7,000,000      7,000,000 Bus Facility Purchase Program                     7,000,000
                       -              -             - Cityride Fare Card                                 2,000,000
                       -              -             - Cityride Fleet Replacement                           180,000
                 571,012      1,500,000      1,500,000 Cityride Scrip                                            -
               12,095,788             -             - CNG Bus Inspection and Maintenance Facility                -
                                                      Downtown LA Streetcar Operations and
                       -      6,000,000             -                                                            -
                       -         50,000        50,000 Eco Rapid Transit JPA                                 50,000
                       -        600,000       600,000 Facility Lease                                       600,000
                       -     14,000,000     14,000,000 Facility Upgrades for Electrification                     -
                       -         15,000        15,000 Inspection Travel Fleet Rep Procurement               15,000
                       -              -      1,188,000 LCTOP Free Fare for Students                      1,211,378
                2,710,368     2,600,000      2,600,000 Marketing City Transit Program                    3,000,000
               17,997,000    13,984,000     13,984,000 Matching Funds - Measure R Projects/LRPT/30-10   20,000,000
                  13,315         65,000        65,000 Memberships and Subscriptions                         65,000
                  11,575         15,000        15,000 Office Supplies                                       15,000
                 924,995      1,250,000      1,250,000 Paratransit Program Coordinator Services          1,250,000
                       -              -             - Quality Assurance Program                             30,000
                1,445,430     1,400,000      1,400,000 Reimbursement for MTA Bus Pass Sales                      -
                       -    122,634,229             - Reserve for Future Transit Service                22,999,254
                       -      1,500,000      1,500,000 Ride and Field Checks                             2,000,000
                3,586,987     3,708,000      3,708,000 Senior Cityride Program                           3,708,000
                 749,786        850,000       850,000 Senior/Youth Transportation Charter Bus Program      890,000
                                                      Smart Technology for DASH and Commuter
                1,715,725       135,000       135,000                                                    5,400,000
                                                      Express Buses
                       -              -             - Solar Signs                                        2,750,000
                  11,627        130,000       130,000 Technology and Communications Equipment              130,000
                  50,344        250,000       250,000 Third Party Inspections for Transit Capital                -
                  51,294        150,000       150,000 Transit Bureau Data Management System                      -
                       -        700,000       700,000 Transit Bus Communications                           700,000
                       -      1,332,259      1,332,000 Transit Bus Security Services                     1,392,629
                1,194,455     2,000,000      2,000,000 Transit Facility Security and Maintenance         2,000,000
                       -              -             - Transit Hand Sanitizing Stations                     300,000
               78,819,633   122,355,000    122,355,000 Transit Operations                              138,000,000
                 418,258        250,000       250,000 Transit Operations Consultant                        300,000

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