Page 254 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 254

Unappropriated Balance

               Actual        Adopted       Estimated                                                    Total
            Expenditures     Budget       Expenditures                                                 Budget
              2018-19        2019-20        2019-20                                                    2020-21
                                        EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS

                      -       6,000,000             - Accessible Housing Program Retrofit Contracts      2,000,000
                      -        500,000              - Animal Sterilization Trust Fund                            -
                      -       2,000,000             - Bank Transition Implementation                             -
                                                      Cannabis - Public Information Campaign and
                      -        750,000              -                                                            -
                      -        250,000              - City Attorney Board of Rights Proceeding                   -
                      -        300,000              - City Hall Lighting Public Art Project                      -
                      -        500,000              - Civil and Human Rights Commission                          -
                      -       6,468,000             - Clean Streets LA/HOPE Expansion                            -
                      -        300,000              - Climate Change Emergency Projects                          -
                      -              -              - Community Investment and Opportunity Department      250,000
                      -       9,800,000             - Consolidated Municipal Elections                           -
                      -              -              - Discovery Cube Los Angeles (DCLA)                    500,000
                      -         68,000              - Emergency Management Department Oversight                  -
                                                      Equipment, Expenses, and Alterations &
                      -       4,544,725             -                                                    5,044,725
                                                      Eviction Prevention and Homeless Prevention
                      -       2,000,000             -                                                            -
                      -        798,868              - Fire Shelter Safety Devices                                -
                      -        400,000              - Fire Standards of Cover Analysis                           -
                      -         50,000              - General                                               50,000
                      -              -              - General Municipal Elections 2020                  13,000,000
                                                      Ground Emergency Medical Transport QAF
                      -       5,312,000             -                                                    6,700,000
                      -              -              - Land Mobile Radio Site Infrastructure Upgrades     3,022,610
                                                      Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority Program
                      -       2,000,000             -                                                            -
                      -       3,000,000             - Mutual Aid Overtime                                3,000,000
                      -        250,000              - Neighborhood Council Subdivision Elections                 -
                      -        168,000              - Neighborhood Councils                                      -
                                                      Office of Petroleum and Natural Gas Administration
                      -         68,000              -                                                            -
                                                      & Safety
                      -        750,000              - Office of Public Accountability Studies              750,000
                      -       1,500,000             - Outside Counsel including Workers' Compensation    1,500,000
                      -              -              - Personnel Related Cybersecurity Measures             300,000
                                                      Pipeline Abandonment Engineering Consulting
                      -         85,000              -                                                            -

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