Page 275 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
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Other Special Purpose Funds
               Actual        Adopted       Estimated                                                    Total
            Expenditures      Budget      Expenditures                                                 Budget
              2018-19        2019-20        2019-20                                                    2020-21
                                        EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS
                       -      5,000,000      2,000,000 Capital Infrastructure                            5,000,000
                                                      Commercial Recycling Development and Capital
                   3,132        250,000       250,000                                                      200,000
                5,018,107     3,731,000      3,731,000 Private Sector Recycling Programs                 1,050,000
                1,222,646     3,525,000      2,984,000 PW-Sanitation Expense and Equipment               3,560,000
                       -     12,246,483             - Rate Stabilization Reserve                         4,659,945
                       -      7,157,169      9,147,000 Recycling Incentives                              8,209,468
                 533,914        680,819       681,000 Solid Waste Resources Revenue Fund (Schedule 2)      766,930
                6,721,494     8,797,369      8,797,000 Reimbursement of General Fund Costs              16,920,569

                                                     Cannabis Regulation Special Revenue Fund (Sch. 33)

                       -      3,000,000      4,750,000 Social Equity Program                                     -
                3,950,868     6,976,452      6,206,000 Reimbursement of General Fund Costs              11,583,645
                       -      2,366,415             - Reserve for Future Costs                                   -

                                                     Local Transportation Fund (Sch. 34)

                3,387,473             -             - ATP Cycle I SRTS Bike/Ped Rehabilitation                   -
                  30,202              -             - Bicycle Cycle Track                                        -
                  24,488              -             - Bicycle Parking                                            -
                  24,249      2,000,000      3,536,000 Bikeshare Capital Expansion                       2,000,000
                       -        593,910      1,556,000 Bikeways Program                                  1,126,779
                 107,196              -             - CicLAvia Program                                           -
                  82,444              -             - LA River Headwaters Bike Path                              -
                1,037,797             -             - Metro Crenshaw Line Sidewalk Project                       -
                  96,004        776,000       202,000 Open Streets Program                                       -
                                                      San Fernando Road Bike Path Phase 3 Metrolink
                       -        688,000             -                                                      450,000
                                                      Local Match
                1,104,336             -             - Sidewalk Repair Contractual Services                       -
                  22,820              -             - Speed Hump Program                                         -

                                                     Planning Case Processing Fund (Sch. 35)

                  27,921         60,000        30,000 Expedited Permits                                     60,000
                       -         10,000             - Major Projects Review                                 10,000
                9,078,528     8,335,767      8,336,000 Reimbursement of General Fund Costs               8,597,558

                                                     Disaster Assistance Trust Fund (Sch. 37)

                       -     22,841,627             - Reserve for Pending Reimbursements                22,375,965
                1,491,194       975,275       889,000 Federal Disaster Assistance                       20,542,781
                 452,055        563,697      3,983,000 State Disaster Assistance                           460,460
                                                     Accessible Housing Fund (Sch. 38)

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