Page 280 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
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Other Special Purpose Funds

              Actual        Adopted       Estimated                                                      Total
            Expenditures     Budget      Expenditures                                                   Budget
              2018-19       2019-20        2019-20                                                      2020-21
                                                   SOURCES OF FUNDS

              165,448,299    119,354,148    169,183,000 General Fund                                    113,015,422
                                                      Los Angeles Convention & Visitors Bureau Trust
               25,372,191     28,391,500     21,349,000                                                  19,956,664
                                                      Fund (Sch. 1)
              234,409,737    275,700,532    231,341,000 Solid Waste Resources Revenue Fund (Sch. 2)     229,713,828
                                                      US Department of Justice Asset Forfeiture Fund
                2,228,795      3,983,263      2,497,000                                                   5,567,702
                                                      (Sch. 3)
                 383,293         22,121        183,000 US Treasury Asset Forfeiture Fund (Sch. 3)          123,706
                1,033,021      1,035,524      1,056,000 California State Asset Forfeiture Fund (Sch. 3)    767,184
               25,319,705     27,601,969     28,798,000 Special Gas Tax Improvement Fund (Sch. 5)        39,592,674
                                                      Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program
                4,536,120     39,566,250     53,877,000                                                  53,673,097
                                                      Special (Sch. 5)
                2,811,703     12,732,552       570,000 Affordable Housing Trust Fund (Sch. 6)             9,523,584
                9,429,441     14,872,990     20,189,050 Stormwater Pollution Abatement Fund (Sch. 7)     11,767,789
                       -      24,485,432             - Measure W Local Return Fund (Sch. 7)              22,357,580
                6,395,096      7,874,690      5,167,000 Community Development Trust Fund (Sch. 8)         8,174,895
                                                      HOME Investment Partnership Program Fund (Sch.
                1,550,229      2,564,621      1,488,000                                                   2,580,510
                                                      Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Fund (Sch.
                       -       4,242,796      3,592,820                                                   4,017,980
                 573,128        556,371        631,000 Community Service Block Grant Trust Fund (Sch. 13)  496,245
                                                      Park and Recreational Sites and Facilities Fund
                2,951,923             -              -                                                           -
                                                      (Sch. 15)
               36,379,857     32,763,433     29,959,000 Convention Center Revenue Fund (Sch. 16)         32,885,469
                                                      Department of Neighborhood Empowerment Fund
                  60,086        203,666         62,000                                                     267,965
                                                      (Sch. 18)
                                                      Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment Fund (Sch.
               19,671,670     31,689,699     34,048,000                                                  30,622,195
                6,984,137      7,289,858      7,195,000 Telecommunications Development Account (Sch. 20)  9,181,003
                                                      Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Fund
                2,429,828      4,435,422      3,072,000                                                   5,062,089
                                                      (Sch. 22)
                5,691,997     17,092,083      8,455,000 Rent Stabilization Trust Fund (Sch. 23)          21,654,954
                7,454,269      8,483,089      8,352,000 Arts and Cultural Facilities & Services Fund (Sch. 24)  9,380,768
                2,469,692      5,107,265      3,675,000 Arts Development Fee Trust Fund (Sch. 25)         4,413,911
                       -       2,584,559             - City Employees Ridesharing Fund (Sch. 28)          2,393,092
                                                      17-18 California Violence Intervention and Prevent
                       -              -         30,000                                                           -
                                                      (Sch. 29)
                       -        446,407        446,000 Animal Sterilization Fund (Sch. 29)                 353,333
                   5,884              -          1,000 ARRA Neighborhood Stabilization Fund (Sch. 29)            -
                 104,723              -               Bridge Improvement Program Cash (Sch. 29)                  -
                2,648,031      2,025,280      2,025,000 City Attorney Consumer Protection Fund (Sch. 29)  1,927,351
                2,339,681      3,441,074      3,441,000 City Planning System Development Fund (Sch. 29)   3,743,983
                 580,903        538,224        538,000 Coastal Transportation Corridor Trust Fund (Sch. 29)  570,950
                                                      Community-Based Violence Prevention Program
                  36,465              -              -                                                           -
                                                      FY12 (Sch. 29)

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