Page 289 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
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               8.      The unencumbered balance remaining in the account will be reappropriated in the same amount and
                       into the same account that exist on June 30, 2020.

               9.      Cultural, Art and City Events: Funds are to be used for arts, cultural events, and related activities,
                       such as transportation, with allocations to be made at the discretion of the individual Council Offices.

               10.     Domestic Abuse Response Teams:  To be expended by the City Clerk as authorized and directed by
                       the Mayor and Council.

               11.     Heritage Month Celebrations and Special Events:  To be expended by the City Clerk as authorized
                       and directed by the Mayor and President of the Council. Of the total amount ($440,975), $108,440 will
                       be expended by the Mayor with no Council approval needed and $332,535 will be expended by the
                       Council with no Mayoral concurrence. The mover of the Council motion recommending allocation of
                       the Council portion of the funds will act as the City representative responsible for signing contracts
                       related to the heritage month celebration or special event.

               12.     Lifeline Reimbursement Program: Funds ($6,300,000) are to be used to reimburse the Solid Waste
                       Resources Revenue Fund for costs associated with the Solid Waste Lifeline Rate Program. Funds
                       ($3,800,000) are to be used to reimburse the Sewer Construction and Maintenance Fund for costs
                       associated with the low-income subsidy for the Sewer Service Charge.  Funds ($320,000) are to be
                       used to reimburse the Multi-Family Bulky Item (MFBI) Fund for costs associated with the MFBI
                       Lifeline and Low-Income Subsidy Program. Reimbursements will be processed on an invoice basis.
                       Any unspent funds will revert to the Reserve Fund at year-end.

               13.     Official  Visits  of  Dignitaries:  The  unencumbered balance remaining  in  the  account  will  be
                       reappropriated in the same amounts and into the same accounts that exist on June 30, 2020. Of the
                       2020-21 appropriation, 50 percent will be allocated to the Mayor and 50 percent will be allocated to
                       the Council. The Mayor will expend his allocated funds with no Council approval required and the
                       Council President will expend the Council’s allocation with no Mayoral concurrence required.

               14.     Solid Waste Fee Reimbursement: Funds are to be used to reimburse the Solid Waste Resources
                       Revenue  Fund  for  costs  associated  with refuse collection and disposal service to other City
                       departments and special events. The City cannot subsidize these costs with revenues from residential
                       rate payers.  Reimbursements will be processed on an invoice basis.  Any unspent funds will revert to
                       the Reserve Fund at year-end.

               15.     Special Events Fee Subsidy - Citywide: In 2009-10, two accounts were established to be divided
                       evenly among all Council Districts for the subsidy of 50 percent of City fees for district-specific events,
                       the subsidy of fees for citywide special events, and development fee subsidies (C.F. 09-0600-S46).
                       For the 2020-21 allocation, each Council District shall receive $32,700 and the balance shall be
                       appropriated into the Citywide Special Events Fee Subsidy account. The Controller is  hereby
                       authorized to reappropriate any unspent funds in the same amounts and into the same accounts that
                       exist on June 30, 2020.


               1.      Commission on Revenue: Reappropriate the unencumbered balance in the Unappropriated Balance
                       Fund 100/58, Commission on Revenue account into the same account and in the same amount that
                       exists on June 30, 2020.

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