Page 341 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 341

          SCHEDULE 30
                                            CITY ETHICS COMMISSION FUND
          Section 5.340 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code establishes a special trust fund known as the City Ethics Commission Fund in
          compliance with Section 711 of the City Charter. All appropriations to finance any of the operations of the City Ethics Commission
          shall be placed in the Fund. All salaries and other expenses of the City Ethics Commission shall be paid from the Fund. Charter
          Section 711 requires that funds for the Commission shall be appropriated at least one year in advance of each subsequent fiscal
          year. The Fund shall be administered by the City Ethics Commission or its designee.
               Actual          Estimated                                                               Budget
               2018-19         2019-20                                                                 2020-21
                    39,940          436,687  Cash Balance, July 1                                          354,542
                    39,940          436,687  Balance Available, July 1                                     354,542
                 3,409,102        3,332,855  11,759 General Fund                                          3,459,569
                 3,449,042        3,769,542  Total Revenue                                                3,814,111

          EXPENDITURES                                                APPROPRIATIONS
                 3,012,091        3,414,000  315 City Ethics Commission                                   3,599,172
                      264             1,000  447 Information Technology Agency                                   -
                                             Special Purpose Fund Appropriations:
                        -                -  1,233  Ethics Commission - Future Year                         214,939

                 3,012,355        3,415,000  Total Appropriations                                         3,814,111
                   436,687          354,542  Ending Balance, June 30                                            -

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