Page 420 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 420


              This Department operates and maintains parks, playgrounds, swimming pools, public golf courses, recreation centers,
              recreation camps and educational facilities, and structures of historic significance; supervises all recreation activities at
              such facilities; and controls its own funds.

                              Adopted       Estimated                                                 Budget
                 Actual        Budget       Receipts                                                Appropriation
                2018-19       2019-20       2019-20                                                   2020-21


              $     229,418,036  $     217,554,843  $     225,555,000  Mayor-Council Appropriation.................................................  $     225,962,816
                           288,000                            --                308,000   Arts and Cultural Facilities & Services Fund (Sch. 24).........                           --
                         1,000,000                           --                           --  Engineering Special Service Fund (Sch. 29..........................                           --
                            200,000                           --                           --  Innovation Fund (Sch. 29).....................................................                           --
                              80,712                           --                           --  Juvenile Crime Prevention Demo (Sch. 29)..........................                           --
                              13,038                           --                           --  LA Bridges - Department of Justice Grant  (Sch. 29)............                           --
                              28,050                           --                           --  LA Bridges - Forfeited Assets Trust Fund (Sch. 29)..............                           --
                            203,625                           --                           --  State AB 1290 City Fund (Sch. 29).......................................                           --
                         8,114,760                           --                           --  Sunshine Canyon Community Amenities Fund (Sch. 43).....                           --
                         3,620,603                     Trust of Floor Area Ratio Public Benefits (Sch. 29)...............                           --
                            100,000                100,000                100,000  El Pueblo Revenue Fund (Sch. 43).......................................                100,000
                       53,351,749                           --                           --  Less: Prior Years' Unexpended Appropriations.....................                           --
              $     189,715,075  $     217,654,843  $     225,963,000    Total Appropriations............................................................  $     226,062,816

                                                        OTHER REVENUE
              $            492,805  $            425,000  $              76,000  Camps...................................................................................    $              76,000
                              52,397                  60,000                  10,000  Museums...............................................................................                  10,500
                         2,738,765             2,190,000             1,642,000  Observatory...........................................................................             1,642,500
                            239,918                130,000                  23,000  Parks.....................................................................................                  23,300
                         1,236,426             1,650,000                500,000  Pools.....................................................................................                  500,000
                         3,618,370             3,550,000             2,662,000  Recreation Centers...............................................................             2,662,500
                            755,420                700,000                126,000  Tennis Reservations..............................................................                126,450
                       13,964,731           12,672,000           12,600,000  Administration/Miscellaneous Revenues..............................             8,500,000
                         6,025,464             5,053,149             5,053,000  Reimbursements from Special Funds...................................             5,053,149
                         9,071,988             7,200,000             5,500,000  Reimbursements from Harbor Department...........................             5,501,601
                         7,555,465             9,079,000             6,809,000  Reimbursements from Golf Operations.................................             6,809,000
                         1,500,000             1,500,000             1,500,000  Pershing Square Transfers...................................................             1,500,000
                            750,000                750,000             1,699,000  Transfers from Various Accounts..........................................                750,000
                         3,000,000             3,000,000             1,200,000  Greek Theatre.......................................................................             1,200,000
                         2,350,000             2,700,000             2,700,000  Griffith Park Parking..............................................................             2,700,000
                                       --                250,000                500,000  Reimbursements from In-House Capital Delivery Plan.........                           --
              $       53,351,749  $       50,909,149  $       42,600,000    Total Other Revenue...........................................................  $       37,055,000

              $     243,066,824  $     268,563,992  $     268,563,000  Total Revenue.......................................................................  $     263,117,816

              Note: The General Fund appropriation to the Department is expressly conditioned with the requirement that all new positions proposed to be created by the Board of
              Recreation and Park Commissioners by any means (order, resolution, substitute, or upgrade) during the fiscal year must be submitted to the City Administrative Officer
              for review and approval prior to Board action to insure that funds appropriated are utilized as intended by the Mayor and Council.

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