Page 50 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
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                                        TOTAL 2020-21 CITY GOVERNMENT
                                  GENERAL CITY BUDGET, INDEPENDENT DEPARTMENTS,
                                       GRANTS AND OTHER NON-BUDGETED FUNDS
                                                                             Appropriations  Authorized
                                                                              ($ Millions)    Positions
                I.  Independent Departments
                     Airports                                               $                6,630.2                   3,967

                     Harbor                                                                   1,516.6                    999
                     Water and Power                                                          9,891.5               12,300

                                                                  Total     $              18,038.3               17,266
                II. General City Budget
                     Animal Services                                        $                     42.7                      345
                     Building and Safety                                                         193.1                      911
                     Cannibis Regulation                                                             5.8                          6

                     City Administrative Officer                                                   24.5                    119
                     City Attorney                                                               211.7                      911
                     City Clerk                                                                    19.1                      118
                     City Planning                                                                 77.1                      414
                   Civil and Human Rights Commission                                                 0.7                        1
                     Economic Development                                                          30.5                        99
                     Controller                                                                    49.1                    165

                     Convention and Tourism Development                                            55.3                        13

                     Council                                                                       46.9                    108
                     Cultural Affairs                                                              22.4                      76

                     El Pueblo                                                                       5.1                      10

                   Emergency Management                                                              6.5                      23
                     Fire                                                                     1,148.9                 3,831

                     Finance                                                                       68.4                      354

                     Housing and Community Investment                                            115.7                    590
                     Mayor                                                                         18.2                        94
                     Neighborhood Empowerment                                                        4.5                        31

                     Police                                                                   3,142.9               14,005
                     Public Accountability                                                           3.9                          9
                     Public Works (Street Services, Sanitation, etc.)                         1,433.9                 5,508

                     Transportation                                                              301.1                 1,487

                     Zoo                                                                           36.0                     263
                     Other budgetary departments                                                   21.8                      104
                     Library                                                                     204.9                 1,107

                     Recreation and Parks                                                        226.1                   1,538
                     Support department costs allocated to line departments                                 --                   2,391 *
                     Bond Redemption and Interest                                                128.5                        --
                     Capital Improvement Expenditure Program                                     355.7                        --
                     General City Purposes                                                       178.5                        --
                     Judgement Obligation Bonds Debt Service Fund                                   -                        --
                     Proposition A Local Transit Assistance Fund                                 233.2                        --
                     Proposition C Anti-Gridlock Transit Improvement Fund                             37.0                        --
                     Unappropriated Balance                                                        89.9                        --
                     Wastewater Special Purpose Fund                                             577.0                        --
                     Special Parking Revenue Fund                                                  49.1                        --
                     Other (Various Special Purpose Funds; Independent Department costs
                         which are reimbursed)                                                1,365.6                        --

                                                                  Total     $              10,531.3               34,631
                III.  Grants and Other Non-Budgeted Funds
                     Federal Job Training, Pension Fund Investment Earnings, less
                       interdepartmental transfers                          $                1,480.2                        --
                                                              Grand Total   $              30,049.8               51,897

                * General Services (1,422), Information Technology Agency (418), and Personnel (500).

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