Page 45 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 45

                                           SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS

                                            Classified by Object of Expenditure
                                                     Salaries    Expenses    Equipment     Special      Total

           Aging                                      4,156,121    2,318,926          -            -     6,475,047
           Animal Services                           21,273,680    1,935,462          -            -    23,209,142
           Building and Safety                      126,905,536    2,474,626          -            -    129,380,162
           Cannabis Regulation                        3,239,561    1,269,132          -            -     4,508,693
           City Administrative Officer               14,740,528     710,784           -            -    15,451,312
           City Attorney                            129,112,908    8,037,082          -            -    137,149,990
           City Clerk                                10,163,612     684,252           -            -    10,847,864
           City Planning                             41,988,086   10,453,037     452,040           -    52,893,163
           Civil and Human Rights Commission           353,657       13,925       49,972           -       417,554
           Controller                                15,560,693     924,498           -            -    16,485,191
           Convention and Tourism Development         1,546,546      72,000           -            -     1,618,546
           Council                                   30,956,077     908,219           -            -    31,864,296
           Cultural Affairs                           7,879,523    1,055,191          -     7,393,694   16,328,408
           Disability                                 2,616,589    1,800,497          -       92,521     4,509,607
           Economic and Workforce Development        15,246,033    7,789,093          -            -    23,035,126
           El Pueblo de Los Angeles                   1,024,060     601,180           -            -     1,625,240
           Emergency Management                       3,325,763      71,036           -            -     3,396,799
           Employee Relations Board                    352,568       80,320           -            -       432,888
           Ethics Commission                          3,191,051     408,121           -            -     3,599,172
           Finance                                   29,524,734    8,338,234          -            -    37,862,968
           Fire                                     694,154,740   38,088,501          -            -    732,243,241
           General Services                         117,436,905  135,631,762     399,554    3,494,814   256,963,035
           Housing and Community Investment          65,765,483   15,372,079          -            -    81,137,562
           Information Technology Agency             45,314,330   31,347,289     153,314   20,562,119   97,377,052
           Mayor                                      8,170,358     389,256           -            -     8,559,614
           Neighborhood Empowerment                   2,592,597     222,847           -       14,000     2,829,444
           Personnel                                 51,651,477    9,402,323          -     1,822,674   62,876,474
           Police                                  1,749,251,647  97,176,181  10,902,721           -  1,857,330,549
           Public Accountability                      1,432,228    1,683,410          -            -     3,115,638
           Board of Public Works                      8,946,382   13,456,342          -            -    22,402,724
           Bureau of Contract Administration         39,028,880    2,826,892          -            -    41,855,772
           Bureau of Engineering                     88,602,817    3,636,865          -            -    92,239,682
           Bureau of Sanitation                     302,011,791   32,240,218          -            -    334,252,009
           Bureau of Street Lighting                 31,563,739    3,275,564      1,000     4,884,830   39,725,133
           Bureau of Street Services                 94,695,046   72,911,151          -            -    167,606,197
           Transportation                           156,448,068   23,924,982          -            -    180,373,050
           Zoo                                       19,128,694    3,577,908          -            -    22,706,602
           Total-Budgetary Departments             3,939,352,508  535,109,185  11,958,601  38,264,652  4,524,684,946

           Appropriations to City Employees' Retirement      -           -            -   113,251,104   113,251,104
           Appropriations to Library Fund                    -           -            -   204,934,363   204,934,363
           Appropriations to Recreation and Parks Fund       -           -            -   226,062,816   226,062,816
           Total-Appropriations                              -           -            -   544,248,283   544,248,283
           Total-Departmental                      3,939,352,508  535,109,185  11,958,601  582,512,935  5,068,933,229

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