Page 502 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 502


                                                                                          Other Allocated   Capital   Bond Redemption   Total General    Grant and   Total Funds
                                Code    Function and Subfunction          Operating Budget  Costs Applied  Improvements*  and Interest  Budget      Other Funds**   Allocated
                                F    GENERAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT
                                FA   Executive                                   8,559,614    47,519,175           -              -       56,078,789           -      56,078,789
                                FB   Legislative                               218,578,865  (136,018,001)          -              -       82,560,864           -      82,560,864
                                FC   Administrative                             16,850,954     7,877,330           -              -       24,728,284   14,010,804     38,739,088
                                FD   Legal Services                            173,985,050   (48,139,133)          -              -      125,845,917           -     125,845,917
                                FE   Personnel Services                        844,289,283  (839,075,626)          -              -       5,213,657            -      5,213,657
                                FF   Financial Operations                       54,348,159    64,318,131           -              -      118,666,290           -     118,666,290
                                FG   Public Works Administration                49,568,525    25,961,526           -              -       75,530,051           -      75,530,051
                                FH   Public Buildings and Facilities           172,874,109  (151,672,450)          -              -       21,201,659           -      21,201,659
                                FI   Other General Administration and Support   90,111,853    87,280,057           -              -      177,391,910           -     177,391,910
                                FJ   Pensions and Retirement                   113,251,104  (113,251,104)          -              -              -             -             -
                                FK   Unappropriated Balance                     89,869,881   (59,809,881)          -              -       30,060,000           -      30,060,000
                                FL   Debt Service                             1,323,536,029  (1,323,536,029)       -              -              -             -             -
                                FM   Reserve Fund                               12,343,213           -             -              -       12,343,213           -      12,343,213
                                FN   Governmental Ethics                        10,705,528    (1,436,931)          -              -       9,268,597            -      9,268,597
                                FP   Technology Services                        73,754,212   (73,754,212)          -              -              -             -             -
                                FQ   Fuel and Environmental Compliance         124,278,764  (123,324,004)          -              -         954,760            -        954,760
                                FR   Supply Services and Standards              25,854,774   (25,854,774)          -              -              -             -             -
                                FS   Mail Services                               4,619,231    (4,619,231)          -              -              -             -             -

                                TOTAL GENERAL ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT     $3,407,379,148  ($2,667,535,157)      -              -     $739,843,991   $14,010,804  $753,854,795

                                TOTAL                                       $10,054,637,904          -    $348,184,414   $128,455,723  $10,531,278,041  $470,865,662  $11,002,143,703

                                In some instances columns or rows may not total the exact amounts shown due to rounding.
                                *Appropriations of $7,515,000 for Capital Improvements are reflected in the Operating Budget column.
                                **See the "Federal and State Funding Estimates" schedule in Section 5 for details of grant funds ($433,410,662). In some instances, grant funds are spent directly from special grant accounts. If budget
                                appropriations are reimbursed, some duplication will exist between the columns entitled "Operating Budget" and "Grant and Other Funds."   Other funds consist of departmental receipts under control of the
                                Recreation and Parks and Library departments ($37,055,000 and $400,000, respectively).
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