Page 57 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 57


            The list below outlines actions necessary to be taken by the Mayor and Council to effectuate the 2020-21
            Budget. These include ordinance changes and other actions.

            I.      ORDINANCE CHANGES

               1.  Authorize the issuance of an amount not-to-exceed $1.78 billion in Tax and Revenue Anticipation
                   Notes to address short-term cash flow needs and to make the full annual contribution payments
                   to the Los Angeles City Employees’ Retirement System Fund and to the Los Angeles Fire and
                   Police Pensions Fund.

               2.  Request the City Attorney to amend Section 5.115.4 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code by
                   replacing “an amount equal to one percent” with “an amount up to one percent” of Transient
                   Occupancy Tax to the Arts and Cultural Facilities and Services Trust Fund, to be effective for the
                   duration of a fiscal emergency.

               3.  Request the City Attorney to prepare and present an ordinance to amend the Los Angeles
                   Administrative Code to allow the Cultural Affairs Department to include the rental and use fee
                   structure for each Cultural Affairs managed theater and direct all theater receipts be placed in the
                   Arts and Cultural Facilities and Services Trust Fund (Fund No. 480,  Department 30) to be
                   allocated for staffing, programming, and maintenance of Cultural Affairs managed theaters.


            City Administrative Officer

               1.  Instruct the City Administrative Officer, with assistance of the Personnel Department and the City
                   Attorney, prepare and present a resolution declaring a fiscal emergency for 2020-21 resulting
                   from the City’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the pandemic’s impact on the City, as a
                   result of both the City’s increased expenditures on protection and services for City residents and
                   visitors, and the concurrent reduction of City revenues due to slowing economic activity caused
                   by the pandemic.

               2.  Instruct the City Administrative Officer, with the assistance of all City Departments, the City
                   Attorney, the Mayor’s Office, and the City Council, to develop and execute plans to
                   comprehensively seek all relevant reimbursements for the City’s COVID-19 response plan related
                   costs from the Federal Government’s CARES program, the State, and County as applicable.
                   Further instruct, the City Administrative Officer to document and report on the status of every
                   applicable reimbursement within every Financial Status Report.

               3.  Instruct the City Administrative Officer, to create a special fund schedule that tracks all receipts
                   (federal and state) and revenue,  and appropriations and expenditures related to the City’s
                   COVID-19 response plan. See related Item No. 6 in Exhibit H’s Other Budgetary Actions Section.

               4.  Instruct the  City Administrative Officer, with  the assistance of the City Attorney,  to review all
                   special funds and report back in the First Financial Status Report on the feasibility of repurposing
                   surplus monies for general use during the fiscal emergency. See related Item Nos. 1 and 2 in
                   Exhibit H’s Other Budgetary Actions Section.

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