Page 88 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 88

City Attorney
                                                  SUPPORTING DATA
                             DISTRIBUTION OF 2020-21 TOTAL COST OF PROGRAMS


           Salaries                             129,112,908

           Expense                                8,037,082
           Equipment                                    -
           Special                                      -

           Total Departmental Budget            137,149,990

           Support Program Allocation                   -

           Related and Indirect Costs
           Pensions and Retirement               41,092,634
           Human Resources Benefits              16,836,055

           Water and Electricity                  1,338,289
           Building Services                      4,526,237
           Other Department Related Costs        10,225,072
           Capital Finance and Wastewater          517,489

           Bond Interest and Redemption                 -
           Liability Claims                             -

           Judgement Obligation Bond Debt Service       -
           Other Special Purpose Allocations      4,000,000
           Non-Department Allocations              346,640
           Subtotal Related Costs                78,882,416

           Cost Allocated to Other Departments          -

           Total Cost of Program                216,032,406

           Positions                                  911

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