Page 94 - 2020-21 Budget Summary
P. 94

City Planning
                                                  SUPPORTING DATA
                             DISTRIBUTION OF 2020-21 TOTAL COST OF PROGRAMS

                                                BB6801        BB6802       BB6805        BB6803        BB6804
                                               Citywide     Community    Neighborhood    Historic    Development
                                               Planning      Planning    Initiatives and  Resources    Services
           Salaries                               3,369,306     4,772,913     2,351,669    1,439,780     7,918,592
           Expense                                 727,154      2,021,156       24,670       158,482     1,817,448
           Equipment                                    -             -             -             -             -

           Special                                      -             -             -             -             -
           Total Departmental Budget              4,096,460     6,794,069     2,376,339    1,598,262     9,736,040

           Support Program Allocation              975,980      1,719,583      557,703       790,079     3,485,642

           Related and Indirect Costs
           Pensions and Retirement                 884,429      1,558,282      505,389       715,967     3,158,679

           Human Resources Benefits                450,500       793,739       257,429       364,691     1,608,931
           Water and Electricity                    31,104        54,801        17,773        25,179       111,083
           Building Services                        81,133       142,949        46,362        65,679       289,761

           Other Department Related Costs          188,716       332,498       107,837       152,769       673,982
           Capital Finance and Wastewater               -             -             -             -             -
           Bond Interest and Redemption                 -             -             -             -             -

           Liability Claims                         19,986        35,215        11,421        16,180       71,381
           Judgement Obligation Bond Debt Service       -             -             -             -             -
           Other Special Purpose Allocations            -             -             -             -             -

           Non-Department Allocations                7,764        13,679         4,437         6,285       27,728
           Subtotal Related Costs                 1,663,632     2,931,163      950,648     1,346,750     5,941,545

           Cost Allocated to Other Departments          -             -             -             -             -

           Total Cost of Program                  6,736,072    11,444,815     3,884,690    3,735,091    19,163,227

           Positions                                   21            37            12            17            75

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