Page 55 - FY 2020-21 Revenue Outlook
P. 55

Utility Users Tax - All Sources

                                               Utility Users Tax Summary
                                                       (Thousand Dollars)

                                  2016-17      2017-18       2018-19             2019-20             2020-21
                                  ACTUAL       ACTUAL       ACTUAL        BUDGET       REVISED     PROPOSED

              Electricity        $     356,617  $     386,525  $     417,488  $     447,440  $     440,255  $     434,820
              Gas                         73,733           68,028           77,035           63,325           74,135           66,400
              Communications            194,481         171,300         149,628         141,400         126,600         113,400
                                 $     624,831  $     625,853  $     644,152  $     652,165  $     640,990  $     614,620
              % Change                 1.6%         0.2%          2.9%         1.2%         -0.5%        -4.1%

                                             Utility Users Tax Components
                                                        (Million Dollars)

                700                                    648
                                                   628     631  628   615  620   627   639   625  626   644  641
                                           605  605                                 615                 615
                600    557         576
                                                                                                150   127
                               510                                                          171         113
                           489                                                  207   188   194
                500                                278   288  267  252   243   234   223
                                           271  274                                             77   74   66
                       237         265
                400            225                                              69   66  74  68
                           222                                          66   73
                300                                 93   81   70   72   68
                       83          73   84   99   82
                           44   62
                200                                                     320  331   364  360  357   387   417   440  435

                100    238   222  224   238  238  236  249  257   278   294  304 304


                                                    Fiscal Year Ending

                        Electric         Gas          Communications            Total Utility Users Tax

              The gas users tax component rises and falls with changes in the natural gas market. The  increasingly competitive
              telecommunications marketplace partially explains the decline in communications users tax receipts in recent years.
              Change in electric users tax receipts is primarily caused by consumption and power rate increases; although recent year
              revenue has been impacted by billing system issues.

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