Page 180 - 2020-21 Supporting Information Book_Revised
P. 180

an ordinance or policy that   remaining subsidy shall   amount actually included    Fund has historically not reimbursed for    Administrative cap restricts related cost   Administrative cap restricts related cost   Fund has historically not reimbursed for    Fund only covers Fringe and Central    By policy, certain fees were set below   Insufficient revenue to pay related costs on
                    It shall be the goal for all special funds to fully reimburse the General Fund for all direct expenditures and related costs provided to support their programs.

                               related costs. The General Fund subsidy amount

                                                   Explanation   $                   25,507,078  Insufficient revenue to pay related costs.   $                     4,597,330  Insufficient revenue to pay related costs.   $                   17,767,887  Insufficient revenue to pay related costs.   $                   16,441,403  Insufficient revenue to pay related costs.   related costs.   $                     6,102,139  Fund does not cover full related costs.   $
                      by                                                                   $                     4,434,098 Services. In addition, insufficient revenue to   reasonable cost recovery.   $                           24,168 1090 funds. The 1090 RC amount was not
                      Related cost reimbursements shall be calculated using the most current Cost Allocation Plan rate, unless otherwise restricted

                                                   General Fund Subsidy   $                        252,009 related costs.    $                        281,634 payment.    $                        114,577 payment.    $                   49,593,536   $                        423,480

            2020-21 PROPOSED BUDGET
                               Pursuant to this policy, this exhibit presents a listing of all special funds that do not fully reimburse

                                                  Full Reimbursement   Amount   $                        252,009    $                109,723,165    $                     4,597,330    $                  57,360,561    $                  19,425,002    $                     8,428,734    $                     2,431,858    $                  49,593,536    $                  22,149,205    $                  10,898,504    $                        130,555    $                        266,042

                           Policy No. 28).  has been approved by the Mayor and City Council. In the event that a special fund does not fully reimburse the General Fund, any represents the difference between the full cost of all overheads related to work performed and the General Fund reimbursement

                                               Proposed Budget   General Fund   Reimbursement Amount   $                                     -    $                    84,216,087    $                                     -    $                    39,592,674    $                      2,983,599    $                      8,147,100    $                      2,317,281    $                                     -    $                    17,715,107    $                      4,796,365    $

                           be reported annually through the budget process (Fiscal

                                   in the Proposed Budget.   Fund/Schedule Name Los Angeles Convention and Visitors   Bureau Trust Fund Solid Waste Resources Revenue Fund  Traffic Safety Fund  Special Gas Tax Improvement Fund  Stormwater Pollution Abatement Fund  Community Development Trust Fund Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Trust   Local Public Safety Fund Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment  Telecommunications Liquidated Damages   & Lost Franchise Fees Traffic Safety Edu

                                                 Sch  #  S01  S02  S04  S05  S07  S08  Fund  S10  S17  Fund  S19  S20  S29  S29  S29  S29

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