Page 45 - 2020-21 Supporting Information Book_Revised
P. 45

                                                 Economy-Sensitive and Other
                                                      (Thousand Dollars)

                                                                          2020-21 Proposed Change
                                                             2019-20       Economy       Other        2020-21
                                                              Budget       Sensitive*                Proposed
             Property Tax                                 $            2,115,611  $        179,469  $            2,000  $  2,297,080
                  Property Tax 1%                                       1,613,059           142,941               2,000  1,758,000
                  VLF Replacement                                          502,552             36,528                   -  539,080
             Redirection of ex-CRA Tax Increment Monies                    100,386                1,749               (6,235)  95,900
             Licenses, Permits, Fees and Fines (LPFF)                   1,226,882              50,653              57,753  1,335,289

             Utility Users Tax                                            652,165             (30,645)               (6,900)  614,620
                  Electric Users Tax                                       447,440            (12,620)                   -  434,820
                  Gas Users Tax                                              63,325               9,975              (6,900)  66,400
                  Communications Users Tax                                141,400            (28,000)                   -  113,400
             Sales Tax                                                     589,790             (32,735)                    -  557,055
             Business Tax                                                  657,150             (15,310)              44,700  686,540
             Transient Occupancy Tax                                       326,620             (77,035)               (4,725)  244,860
             Power Revenue Transfer                                        235,600             (11,500)                    -  224,100
             Documentary Transfer Tax                                      211,960                4,115                  (240)  215,835

             Parking Fines                                                 123,785                    -              16,692  140,477
             Parking Occupancy Tax                                         121,900             (19,900)                    -  102,000
             Franchise Income                                                80,240                2,741               (1,755)  81,226
             Special Parking Revenue Transfer                                57,313                    -             (29,593)  27,721
             Interest                                                        36,700               (2,087)                    -  34,613
             Grants Receipts                                                 15,729                    -               (3,208)  12,521
             Tobacco Settlement                                              10,952                    -                  (337)  10,615
             Residential Development Tax                                       5,020               (1,327)                    -  3,693
             State Motor Vehicle License Fees                                  1,946                1,433                  (181)  3,198
             Reserve Fund Transfer                                                -  -        -              -
             Budget Stabilization Fund Transfer                                   -  -        -              -
             Total General Fund Receipts                  $            6,569,750  $          49,621  $          67,972  $  6,687,342

             * Economy-sensitive revenues include growth in property, utility, business, sales, documentary transfer, transient occupancy, parking
             occupancy, and residential development tax revenues, as well as other revenues detailed above. Other changes not considered
             economy-driven in tax revenues include: the decline in proceeds from the sale of former CRA surplus property; legal settlements
             charged credited against gas users tax receipts (second year impact); reduced transient occupancy tax revenue under the home-
             sharing policy (second year impact); variable documentary transfer tax revenue from changing legal ownership; and the recovery of
             2019-20 taxes deferred during the COVID-19 pandemic.

             Departmental revenues (consisting of reimbursements for services and receipts from licenses, permits, fees, and fines) include new,
             non-economic changes such as: increased reimbursements for LAPD's security services contract with the Los Angeles Metropolitan
             Transportation Authority; higher ambulance and code enforcement fees; revised Cost Allocation Plan (CAP) rates and updated
             vacancy, salary and service level assumptions; and the recovery of 2019-20 receipts delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic's impact to
             City operations.

             Changes to other miscellaneous revenues include: a reduced transfer from the Special Parking Revenue fund which previously
             reflected proceeds from the Mangrove property; increased parking fine revenue which includes the recovery of 2019-20 fines
             remitted under an extended grace period during the pandemic; and increased grant receipts from the Disaster Assistance Trust
             Fund. No Federal or State assistance related to the COVID-19 pandemic is assumed in the proposed budget.

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