Page 83 - 2020-21 Supporting Information Book_Revised
P. 83

2020-21 Proposed Budget Changes by Department
              Category   Department               Blue Book Item Title            Dollars         Positions
                                                                                               Regular   Reso
                      Continuation of Services
                      3-Continuation of
                      Services        Accounting Support                               45,419         -      1
                                      Neighborhood Council Training                   284,496         4      -
                                      Outreach Support for Neighborhood Councils       60,445         -      1
                      New Services
                      6-New Services  Office of Community Engagement and Innovation   192,110         -      2
                      Efficiencies to Services
                      7-Efficiencies to                                               (66,388)        -      -
                      Services        Hiring Freeze Policy
                                      Salary Savings Rate Adjustment                 (100,298)        -      -
                      Reduced Services
                      Services        Furlough Program                               (282,362)        -      -
                                                              Proposed Changes       (524,037)        4      4
                                      Total                                         2,829,444        31      4

                       Adopted Budget
                                      2019-20 Adopted Budget                        72,402,784      500     99
                                                                 Adopted Budget     72,402,784      500     99
                      Obligatory Changes
                      Changes         2019-20 Employee Compensation Adjustment      1,146,469         -      -
                                      2020-21 Employee Compensation Adjustment        434,802         -      -
                                      Change in Number of Working Days               (198,071)        -      -
                                      Salary Step and Turnover Effect                (518,140)        -      -
                      Deletion of One-Time Services
                      2-Deletion of One-                                           (6,918,839)        -      -
                      Time Services   Deletion of Funding for Resolution Authorities
                                      Deletion of One-Time Expense Funding         (2,819,800)        -      -
                                      Deletion of One-Time Salary Funding            (956,828)        -      -
                      Continuation of Services
                      3-Continuation of
                      Services        Anytime Anywhere Testing                        317,901         -      5
                                      Background Investigation Support                 80,000         -      -
                                                                                       88,643         -      1
                                      Benefits Contractor Efficiency and Cost Containment
                                      Building and Safety Examining Support           249,758         2      -
                                      Centralized Consolidated Records Unit           337,858         -      6
                                      Chief Equity Officer                            193,165         -      1
                                      Cultural Affairs Department Support             112,291         -      1
                                      Department of Cannabis Regulation Support       196,014         -      2
                                      Department of Transportation Support            366,931         -      4
                                      Department of Water and Power Examining Support  592,203        -      4
                                      Employee Wellness Program                       196,014         2      -
                                      Employment Liability Reduction                  978,345         9      -
                                      Examining                                       601,904         9      -
                                      Examining Support                               581,431         -      9
                                      Federal Health Care Mandates Support            117,886         1      -
                                      Housing and Community Investment Department     377,585         -      6
                                      Human Resources and Payroll Project             229,258         -      2
                                      Medicare Compliance Specialist                  114,017         -      1
                                      Occupational Health Services Improvements       409,335         -      2
                                      Payroll System Project Support                  112,291         -      1
                                      Personnel Electronic Record Keeping System       33,000         -      -

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