Page 198 - FY 2021-22 Blue Book Volume 1
P. 198

Convention and Tourism Development

                                              Recapitulation of Changes

                                                                         Adopted         Total         Total
                                                                         Budget         Budget        Budget
                                                                         2020-21       Changes        2021-22

                                        EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS

            Salaries General                                               1,509,763     (168,831)     1,340,932
            Salaries, As-Needed                                              31,783              -        31,783
            Overtime General                                                  5,000              -         5,000
           Total Salaries                                                  1,546,546     (168,831)     1,377,715

            Printing and Binding                                              5,000              -         5,000
            Contractual Services                                             35,000              -        35,000
            Transportation                                                    6,000              -         6,000
            Utilities Expense Private Company                                 6,000              -         6,000
            Office and Administrative                                        20,000              -        20,000
           Total Expense                                                     72,000              -        72,000

           Total Convention and Tourism Development                        1,618,546     (168,831)     1,449,715

                                                                         Adopted         Total         Total
                                                                         Budget         Budget        Budget
                                                                         2020-21       Changes        2021-22

                                                  SOURCES OF FUNDS

           Los Angeles Convention & Visitors Bureau Trust Fund (Sch. 1)     319,088       (44,113)       274,975
           Convention Center Revenue Fund (Sch. 16)                        1,299,458     (124,718)     1,174,740
           Total Funds                                                     1,618,546     (168,831)     1,449,715

           Percentage Change                                                                            (10.43)%

           Positions                                                             13            (1)            12

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