Page 44 - FY 2021-22 Blue Book Volume 1
P. 44

                                   DETAIL OF CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT
          2019-20       2020-21      2020-21                                                            2021-22
           Actual      Adopted      Estimated                   Program/Code/Description                Contract
        Expenditures    Budget     Expenditures                                                         Amount
                                                 Animal Control and Law Enforcement - AA0601
       $          46,188  $          83,520  $          84,000  1. Software and internet charges (Squadroom call support)...........................  $          72,520
                                 1,520           23,000  2. Phone service charges (including cellphones)............................................             1,520
       $          46,188  $          85,040  $        107,000      Animal Control and Law Enforcement Total  $          74,040
                                                 Shelter Operations and Animal Care - AA0602
       $          88,301  $        103,000  $          70,000  3. Data management system access fees......................................................  $        103,000
                  34,518                      -                     -  4. Data management system data plans........................................................                      -
                  21,105           40,000           40,000  5. Uniform cleaning service............................................................................           40,000
                    2,913                    -             42,000  6. Medical waste disposal service..................................................................                     -
                    3,845           11,500           10,000  7. Equipment repairs (laundry and X-ray machines).......................................             4,500
                  81,839                    -           650,000  8. Security services........................................................................................                     -
       $        232,521  $        154,500  $        812,000          Shelter Operations and Animal Care Total  $        147,500

                                                 Animal Medical Services - AA0607
       $          12,984  $            5,000  $          10,000  9. Medical testing and equipment and lab services........................................  $            5,000
       $          12,984  $            5,000  $          10,000              Animal Medical Services Total  $            5,000

                                                 Community Engagement and Partnerships - AA0609
       $          15,396  $          26,000  $          16,000  10. Photocopier rental......................................................................................  $          16,000
       $          15,396  $          26,000  $          16,000  Community Engagement and Partnerships Total  $          16,000

                                                 General Administration and Support - AA0650
       $            6,189  $            6,500  $            7,000  11. Photocopier and document center rental....................................................  $            6,500
                  14,745           40,500           20,000  12. Online transaction fees...............................................................................           40,500
                  67,068           30,000           85,000  13. Phone service charges (including cellphones)............................................           30,000
                    3,224             1,848                      -  14. General miscellaneous administration........................................................             1,848
                  10,000           10,000           10,000  15. Server maintenance...................................................................................           10,000
       $        101,226  $          88,848  $        122,000        General Administration and Support Total  $          88,848
       $        408,315  $        359,388  $     1,067,000        TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT  $        331,388

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