Page 287 - FY 2021-22 Blue Book Volume 2
P. 287

City Employees' Retirement Fund

                                                             2020-21             2021-22         Change From
                                                            Adopted             Proposed            2020-21
                                                             Budget              Budget             Budget
            Financing Source
            Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes         $              532,649,398  $              586,459,343  $              53,809,945
            Airports                                                     79,548,574                    90,681,027                  11,132,453
            Harbor                                                       25,458,130                    28,443,102                    2,984,972
            City Employees Retirement System (LACERS)                      4,488,509                      5,858,755                    1,370,246
            Fire and Police Pensions System (LAFPP)                        3,755,891                      4,064,794                       308,903

            TOTAL FINANCING SOURCE                     $              645,900,502  $              715,507,021  $              69,606,519

            1. Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability (UAAL).
            2. Effective February 21, 2016, LACERS members hired on or after February 21, 2016 are Tier 3 Members.
            3. The annual City contribution to LACERS is based on total budgeted payroll and the actuarially determined contribution
            rate. LACERS conducts a true-up based on actual covered payroll for all benefit tiers. The amount is reflected as an
            adjustment to the annual required City contribution for the following fiscal year. The true-up adjustment is broken down as
            follows: City General Fund (-$28,585,653), Airports (-$5,360,215), Harbor (-$454,329), LACERS ($382,144), and
            LAFPP (-$71,346).

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