Page 290 - FY 2021-22 Blue Book Volume 2
P. 290

Fire and Police Pension Fund

                                                                  2020-21        2021-22       Change from
            CITY CONTRIBUTION:                                   Adopted        Adopted           2020-21
                                                                  Budget         Budget           Budget

            Actuarial Requirements
            TIER 1 requirements:
            1. Amortization of UAAL 1                          $     14,149,530  $     13,744,677  $    (404,853)
            2. Amortization of UAAL                            $       1,393,035  $       1,304,389  $    (88,646)
                                                      Subtotal $     15,542,565  $     15,049,066  $    (493,499)
            TIER 2 requirements:
            1. Employer Normal Cost                            $          239,669  $          154,504  $    (85,165)
            2. Amortization of UAAL                                     5,469,697           3,920,634                 (1,549,063)
            3. LAFPP Admin Expenses 2                                        10,811     7,841             (2,970)
            4. Employer Normal Cost                            $            28,957  $            22,332  $    (6,625)
            5. Amortization of UAAL                                   64,671,121         60,220,933                 (4,450,188)
            6. Health Admin Expenses                                      869            690              (179)

                                                      Subtotal $     70,421,124  $     64,326,934  $             (6,094,190)
            TIER 3 requirements:

            1. Employer Normal Cost                            $     15,459,390  $     15,156,385  $  (303,005)
            2. Amortization of UAAL                                       (482,620)         (2,038,730)                (1,556,110)
            3. LAFPP Admin Expenses                                        976,566              999,762    23,196
            4. Employer Normal Cost                            $       4,028,335  $       3,679,123  $  (349,212)

            5. Amortization of UAAL                                     5,630,570           5,175,236    (455,334)
            6. Health Admin Expenses                                         78,474                87,979  9,505

                                                      Subtotal $     25,690,715  $     23,059,755  $             (2,630,960)
            TIER 4 requirements:

            1. Employer Normal Cost                            $       6,470,490  $       5,970,811  $  (499,679)
            2. Amortization of UAAL                                     7,400,178           5,802,538                 (1,597,640)
            3. LAFPP Admin Expenses                                        369,365              362,659  (6,706)


            4. Employer Normal Cost                            $       1,477,462  $       1,314,275  $  (163,187)

            5. Amortization of UAAL                                     3,539,216           3,136,507  (402,709)
            6. Health Admin Expenses                                         29,681                31,914    2,233
                                                      Subtotal $     19,286,392  $     16,618,704  $             (2,667,688)

            1. Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability (UAAL).
            2. Administrative expenses are separately identified in the contribution rate in conjunction with Governmental
            Accounting Standards Board (GASB No. 67 and No. 68) reporting.

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