Page 465 - FY 2021-22 Blue Book Volume 2
P. 465


                                            DEBT SERVICE FUND

                                        BASIS FOR THE PROPOSED BUDGET

            The 2021-22 Proposed Budget for the 2021 Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes (TRAN) Debt Service Fund relates
            to current year funding as follows:

                                                              2020-21                2021-22
                                                          Adopted Budget        Proposed Budget    % Change

               Debt Service – Pension Fund                $     767,232,291      $    727,617,275      (5.2%)
               Debt Service – Retirement Fund                   543,298,868           592,421,083       9.0%
               Debt Service – Cash Flow (Interest Only)          13,004,870             7,625,108      (41.4%)

               Total Debt Service                         $   1,323,536,029      $   1,327,663,466      0.3%

            The 2021 TRAN Debt Service Fund is a special purpose fund established to pay debt service on notes issued to
            fund the City’s annual contribution payments to the Fire and Police Pension Fund (Pension Fund) and the Los
            Angeles City Employees’ Retirement System Fund (Retirement Fund) as well as to alleviate the short-term cash
            flow deficits occurring early in the fiscal year when certain taxes and revenues have not yet been received.

            Part of the 2021-22 appropriation to the TRAN Debt Service Fund includes the payment of the entire debt service
            on notes issued in relation to the Pension and Retirement Funds. Issuance of these notes will permit the City to
            make the entire annual contribution to the Retirement Fund and the Pension Fund in July 2021. This early payment
            will allow both the Pension and Retirement Funds to earn additional interest that will be used to discount the required
            City contribution without reducing the Funds’ annual receipts.

            The appropriation of $727.6 million in the Debt Service Fund is the estimated cost of repaying the entire principal
            and borrowing costs on the notes issued for the Pension Fund contribution for 2021-22.

            The appropriation of $592.4 million in the Debt Service Fund is the estimated cost of repaying the entire principal
            and borrowing costs on the notes issued for the Retirement Fund contribution for 2021-22. The special fund portion
            of the Retirement  Fund  contribution ($129.0  million) will be  paid by  the proprietary departments (Airports and
            Harbor) and the pension systems (Los Angeles City Employees’ Retirement System and Los Angeles Fire and
            Police Pensions). The contribution also reflects the true up adjustment for the prior fiscal year resulting from the
            reconciliation of budgeted covered payroll with actual covered payroll.

            The Controller’s Office has requested $750 million in temporary cash flow borrowing. The issuance of these notes
            will permit the City to provide effective cash flow management for the City’s General Fund. The principal portion of
            the TRAN for cash  flow purposes has not been appropriated in the Budget, since this principal is treated as
            temporary borrowing rather than as expenditure. The cash flow appropriation of $7.6 million is only for the interest
            portion of the debt service on the notes.

            The principal and interest on the TRAN will be paid from the City’s General Fund revenues set aside during the
            fiscal year. Issuance of the TRAN for the annual contribution payments to the Pension Fund and Retirement Fund,
            and for cash flow is combined to achieve efficiencies and will not contribute to the overall indebtedness of the City.
            The total savings from the early payment of the annual contribution payments to the Pension Fund and Retirement
            Fund is approximately $42.5 million. After incorporating costs of issuance, the total net savings to the General Fund
            of issuing the TRAN is approximately $28.2 million.

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