Page 462 - FY 2021-22 Blue Book Volume 2
P. 462
Unappropriated Balance
Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus - $21,000,000. Funding is set aside for the replacement of the self-contained
Breathing Apparatus System for the Fire Department. Of this amount, $3,000,000 is contingent upon the receipt of
a grant for this purpose.
Tree Planting - $2,000,000. Funding is set aside for the Bureau of Street Services to plant an additional 1,900 trees
in low canopy, low income neighborhoods.
Zoo and El Pueblo Revenue Shortfalls - $10,718,930. Funding is set aside for the Zoo and El Pueblo to address
revenue shortfalls that may occur as a result of closures or attendance reductions due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Zoo Wi-Fi - $2,000,000. Funding is set aside to establish and expand the Zoo's Wi-Fi and data network to support
the Department's operations and provide a greater visitor experience.