Page 484 - FY 2021-22 Blue Book Volume 2
P. 484
Homeless Budget
2020-21 Adopted 2021-22 Proposed
Budget Budget
Community Investment for Families
● Domestic Violence Shelter Operations Support – Funding is provided for the - 1,861,375
Domestic Violence Shelter Operations Program to maintain the current level of
services. Funding is provided for one Senior Project Coordinator, two
Management Analysts and contractual services funding. Partial funding is
provided by the Community Development Trust Fund ($118,828) and the
Community Services Block Grant Trust Fund ($80,773). 2020-21 funding was
provided in the Housing Department below. There will be no change in the level
of services provided.
● Expansion of Domestic Violence Shelter Operations – Funding is provided to - 1,500,000
expand services provided by domestic violence shelters.
● Human Trafficking Shelter Pilot Program – Funding is provided for the Human - 800,000
Trafficking Shelter Pilot Program to offer safe, conditional housing through two 24-
hour shelters. 2020-21 funding was provided in the Housing Department, below.
● HIV and Homelessness Pilot Program – Funding is included in the Contractual 200,000 200,000
Services Account for the HIV and Homelessness Pilot Program and other HIV
prevention services.
● Syringe Exchange – Funding is continued in the Contractual Services Account 30,000 30,000
to provide syringe exchange to homeless individuals with HIV/AIDS.
● Unified Homeless Response Center Staff Enhancement – Funding is provided 72,515 84,982
for one Community Program Assistant II to act as a liaison between the
Department and the Mayor's Unified Homeless Response Center and the City's
Comprehensive Homeless Strategy stakeholders. The proposed increase reflects
actual salary expenditures. There will be no change in the level of services
Economic and Workforce Development Department (EWDD)
● LA RISE – Funding is continued for the Los Angeles Regional Initiative for Social 3,000,000 3,922,000
Enterprise (LA RISE) that provides job development activities for homeless
individuals and for participants at A Bridge Home sites. These activities include
subsidized employment for individuals with a history of homelessness, supportive
case management designed to help prepare participants for continued
employment, and training in both hard and soft skills. The program services are
implemented through EWDD's existing network of 16 WorkSource Centers
throughout the City. The proposed increase reflects one-time Contractual Service
Account funding for subsidized job development services for individuals
experiencing homelessness.
● Advanced Provider Response Unit (APRU) – Funding is provided for two 252,622 267,440
positions consisting of one EMS Advanced Provider and one Firefighter
III/Paramedic to provide emergency medical assistance, respond to non-urgent,
low acuity-level call requests, and provide intervention services to 9-1-1 "super
user" patients in Skid Row and surrounding areas. Funding is also included in the
Sworn Bonus Account. The proposed increase reflects anticipated salary
expenditures. There will be no change in the level of services provided.
● Fast Response Vehicle – Funding is provided in the base budget for six 854,709 1,033,392
Firefighter IIIs to staff a Fast Response Vehicle (FRV) operating as a mobile
triage unit at Fire Station 9 in the Skid Row area. Funding is also included in the
Sworn Bonuses and Overtime, Constant Staffing accounts. The proposed
increase reflects inclusion of funding in the Overtime, Constant Staffing account
that was inadvertently excluded in prior years. There will be no change in the
level of services provided.