Page 120 - FY 2021-22 Proposed Budget
P. 120
Economic and Workforce Development
The Economic and Workforce Development Department initiates and promotes economic development projects to build
local businesses and provide residents with tools for quality employment. The Department promotes economic and
workforce development in the City through the implementation of various federal and other grant funded programs.
Services include direct and indirect financing and technical assistance programs, including services available for local
businesses at the City's BusinessSource Centers. The Department administers the Annual Plan of the City of Los
Angeles Workforce Development Board, which includes the annual allocation of federal workforce grant funds. The
Department oversees employment services for job seekers through WorkSource Centers and YouthSource Centers,
and employment development for youth through the City's Hire LA and Summer Youth Employment programs.
Actual Adopted Estimated Total
Expenditures Budget Expenditures Budget
2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 2021-22
12,769,742 14,765,059 12,770,000 Salaries General 14,823,422
247,814 403,379 249,000 Salaries, As-Needed 378,379
140,625 77,595 139,000 Overtime General 67,595
13,158,181 15,246,033 13,158,000 Total Salaries 15,269,396
17,232 26,940 18,000 Printing and Binding 21,940
36,618 2,924 37,000 Travel 2,924
857,294 6,124,249 6,123,000 Contractual Services 6,576,601
521 11,946 - Transportation 11,946
32,834 - 33,000 Water and Electricity 5,000
297,574 221,967 298,000 Office and Administrative 221,967
50,575 114,826 51,000 Operating Supplies 121,826
1,750,463 1,286,241 1,748,000 Leasing 1,286,241
3,043,111 7,789,093 8,308,000 Total Expense 8,248,445
16,201,292 23,035,126 21,466,000 Total Economic and Workforce Development 23,517,841