Page 23 - FY 2021--22 Revenue Outlook
P. 23

General Fund Revenue Outlook
                                      Fiscal Years 2020-21 through 2025-26
                                                   General Assumptions

               Economic Growth       This forecast is based on long-term historical experience, with total City revenue
                                     growth for outgoing years estimated between 3.4 and 7.3 percent, excluding
                                     federal relief funds. Unless otherwise noted, individual revenue sources reflect
                                     continuing growth in fiscal years 2022-23 through 2025-26 based on historical
                                     average receipts.
               Property Tax          Fiscal year 2020-21 revised receipts reflect the County Assessor’s reported growth
                                     in assessed value for the City, offset by refunds and other adjustments. The County
                                     Assessor has not provided a preliminary estimate for property tax growth for
                                     2021-22. Assessed value growth of 5.9 percent is based on assumptions for lower
                                     growth due to low inflation; redemption activities are assumed to remain flat as
                                     taxpayers become current on delinquencies; and refunds are projected to increase
                                     as commercial property owners seek reassessment. 2022-23 is based on
                                     economic forecast estimates, and outgoing years assume similar growth.
               Redirection of ex-    This revenue category was first received in June 2012. Growth is irregular due in
               CRA Tax Increment     part to one-time miscellaneous revenues that may occur in any given year. The
               Monies                June 2021 payment is based on the County’s April estimate. The estimate for
                                     2021-22 reflects the adopted payment schedule (ROPS) and assumptions based
                                     on prior disbursements. Additional one-time miscellaneous revenue from surplus
                                     property sales are assumed for 2021-22 and 2022-23.
                                     Subsequent fiscal years assume conservative growth based on the trend of lower
                                     tax increment growth (receipts) and increasing pass-through distributions
                                     (expenses) and align with property tax growth assumptions.
               Utility Users Tax     Electricity users tax (EUT) revenue for 2020-21 and 2021-22 are provided by the
               • Electricity Users Tax  Department of Water and Power (DWP) and are based on the 2020 load forecast
                                     updated to reflect pandemic impacts and actual receipts. Outgoing years assume
               • Gas Users Tax       average growth.
               • Communication       Natural gas users tax revenue for 2020-21 reflect receipts-to-date and the first full
                 Users Tax           year of a three-year rate reduction stemming from a class-action lawsuit settlement.
                                     2022-23 and onward assume consumption and prices remain stable.
                                     The decline in communication users tax (CUT) revenue has accelerated with
                                     strategic wireless plan pricing and decreased landline use. 2021-22 revenue
                                     assumes that same rate of decline as 2020-21, and outgoing years assume that
                                     drop in CUT receipts slows.
               Departmental          Departmental receipts for 2020-21 have been revised downward to reflect the
               receipts              extended impact of pandemic-related closures. 2021-22 receipts assume the end
                                     of pandemic-related restrictions and the gradual restoration of full service delivery.
                                     Related costs reimbursements for 2020-21 and 2021-22 are based on updated
                                     CAP rates and vacancy, salary and service level assumptions.
                                     2022-23 assumes receipts to have returned to the pre-pandemic trend in receipts
                                     with growth slowing 2.7 percent in outgoing years.
               Sales Tax             Sales tax revenue for 2020-21 and 2021-22 onward reflect the decline and then
                                     subsequent recovery from the pandemic-driven recession.
               Business Tax          The revised estimate for 2020-21 business tax reflects a net increase from 2019-20
                                     due to the delayed receipt of 2019-20 cannabis-related business taxes during the
                                     initial pandemic-driven closure and the addition of tax amnesty revenue. 2021-22
                                     receipts reflect the loss of amnesty receipts, recovery in non-cannabis related
                                     business activity, and continuing growth in cannabis-related business activity
                                     Outgoing years assume high, but decreasing, growth, primarily attributed to
                                     assumptions for cannabis receipts.

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