Page 132 - FY 2021-22 Supporting Information
P. 132

2021-22 Proposed Budget Changes by Category

           Category  Department       Blue Book Item Title                          Dollars         Positions
                                                                                                Regular   Reso

           Continuation of Services
                                      A Bridge Home Security                         8,000,000     -        -
                                      Accumulated Overtime                           4,769,285     -        -
                                      Body-Worn Video Camera Program Expense         1,000,000     -        -
                                      Cannabis Industry Collections Security           451,008     -        -
                                      Communication System Maintenance               2,699,055     -        -
                                      Custody Transportation and Release               520,687     -        -
                                      Los Angeles County Metropolitan               36,489,433     -       130
                                      Transportation Authority
                                      Sworn Attrition                              (15,877,976)    -        -
                                      Sworn Hiring Plan                             31,010,279     -        -
                                      Task Force for Regional Auto Theft                     -     -        20
                                      Vehicle Replacements                           3,945,731     -        -
                    Board of Public Works
                                      Administrative Support for the Board              89,892    1         -
                                      Climate Emergency Staffing                       173,541     -        2
                                      Grants Unit                                            -     -        1
                                      Industrial Waste Billings                         63,455     -        1
                                      MICLA Accounting Support                          81,200     -        1
                                      Mobile Pit Stop Program                                -     -        1
                                      Public Works Trust Fund Support                  123,451     -        1
                                      SB 1 Accounting Support                           81,200     -        1
                                      Sewer Construction and Maintenance                63,455     -        1
                                      Accounts Payable
                                      Sidewalk Repair Program                          160,473     -        2
                    Bureau of Contract Administration
                                      Business Intelligence and Analytics Support       93,596     -        1
                                      CLEAR Contracting Support                        118,692     -        1
                                      Complete Streets Program Support               1,114,937     -        9
                                      CORE Business Inclusion Unit                     124,782     -        1
                                      CORE Business Outreach                            50,000     -        -
                                      Metro Annual Work Program                      1,506,248     -        12
                                      Office of Wage Standards Support                 246,747     -        1
                                      Payments and Automation                           92,039     -        1
                                      Services to the Department of Water and          940,323     -        9
                                      Power (DWP)
                                      Services to the Harbor Department                798,815     -        7
                                      Services to the Los Angeles World Airports     2,580,476     -        23
                                      Sidewalk Repair Program                        1,089,140     -        9
                                      Transportation Annual Grant Program            1,412,652     -        11
                                      Utility Electric Meter Release Program           135,740     -        1
                                      Utility Permit Warranty Program                  278,136     -        2

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