Page 152 - FY 2021-22 Supporting Information
P. 152

2021-22 Proposed Budget Changes by Category

           Category  Department       Blue Book Item Title                          Dollars         Positions
                                                                                                Regular   Reso

           Capital Finance Administration
                   Public Improvements
                                      Commercial Paper                                2,948,340    -        -
                                      MICLA 2012-B (Real Property Refunding)          (223,994)    -        -
                                      MICLA 2013-A (Street Lighting)                  (774,694)    -        -
                                      MICLA 2017 Street Lighting                         (228)     -        -
                                      MICLA 2016-B (Real Property)                    6,052,449    -        -
                                      MICLA 2018-B (Real Property)                      (3,500)    -        -
                                      MICLA 2018-C (MICLA AK Refunding)                 (5,004)    -        -
                                      MICLA 2019-B (Real Property)                  (8,295,000)    -        -
                                      MICLA 2020-C (Refunding - Taxable) (Real       22,808,009    -        -
                                      MICLA 2021-B (Refunding) (Capital               1,877,718    -        -
                                      Equipment & Real Property)
                                      MICLA 2021-A  (Ref-Taxable)(Cap Equip &         5,650,018    -        -
                                      Real Prop)
                                      MICLA 2020-B (Refunding) (Real Property)       11,292,375    -        -
                                      MICLA 2020 Street Lighting                       988,184     -        -
                                      MICLA 2016-B (Real Property)                       (249)     -        -
                   Parking Enforcement
                                      Commercial Paper                                 150,048     -        -
                                      MICLA 2012-B (Real Property Refunding)        (1,553,719)    -        -
                                      MICLA 2012-C (Refunding of MICLAs)            (2,958,855)    -        -
                                      MICLA 2016-B (Real Property)                      (2,200)    -        -
                                      MICLA 2020-C (Refunding - Taxable) (Real
                                      Property)                                       1,499,059    -        -
                                      Refinancing of Parking Revenue Bonds - CP            986     -        -
                   Recreation and Parks Projects
                                      MICLA 2010-A (Capital Equipment)                 (63,993)    -        -
                                      MICLA 2012-B (Real Property Refunding)          (171,083)    -        -
                                      MICLA 2012-C (Refunding of MICLAs)              (632,582)    -        -
                   Convention Center Debt Service
                                      MICLA 2015-A Refunding (Convention                12,135     -        -
                   General Administration and Support
                                      Debt Service for CDD Projects                      (831)     -        -
                   Building Services
                                      MICLA 2010-C (Real Property RZEDB)                (1,178)    -        -
                                      MICLA 2011-A (QECB)                             3,970,261    -        -
                                      MICLA 2012-A (Capital Eqpt Refunding)         (4,420,726)    -        -
                                      MICLA 2012-C (Refunding of MICLAs)            (3,815,903)    -        -
                                      MICLA 2014-A (Real Property)                  (3,226,275)    -        -
                                      MICLA 2014-B Refunding (Real Property)        (1,906,550)    -        -

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