Page 161 - FY 2021-22 Supporting Information
P. 161

2021-22 Proposed Budget Changes by Category

           Category  Department       Blue Book Item Title                          Dollars         Positions
                                                                                                Regular   Reso

           Other Special Purpose Funds
                   Special Gas Tax Street Improvements
                                      Concrete Streets                              (1,158,741)    -        -
                                      Cool Slurry                                   (2,000,000)    -        -
                                      Failed Street Reconstruction                  (3,512,623)    -        -
                                      Pavement Preservation Program                (23,996,188)    -        -
                                      Sidewalk Repair Contractual Services          (3,800,000)    -        -
                                      Sidewalk Repair Engineering Consulting        (2,300,000)    -        -
                                      Sidewalk Repair Incentive Program             (1,000,000)    -        -
                                      Vision Zero Corridor Projects - SB1           (8,701,450)    -        -
                                      Vision Zero Traffic Signals                   (6,771,511)    -        -
                                      Vision Zero Traffic Signals Support             (332,584)    -        -
                                      Reimbursement of General Fund Costs              776,078     -        -
                   Housing Department Affordable Housing Trust Fund
                                      Unallocated                                     2,984,304    -        -
                                      Reimbursement of General Fund Costs                (190)     -        -
                   Stormwater Pollution Abatement
                                      Expense and Equipment                         (1,288,625)    -        -
                                      Feasibility Studies                           (1,000,000)    -        -
                                      Media Tech Center                                 62,510     -        -
                                      NPDES Permit Compliance                         1,283,000    -        -
                                      On Call Contractors (Emergency Funds)         (2,011,244)    -        -
                                      Operation and Maintenance - TMDL              (4,690,982)    -        -
                                      Compliance Projects
                                      Payment for Sewer Construction                   356,973     -        -
                                      Maintenance Fund Loan
                                      Regional Project Development and              (2,776,640)    -        -
                                      Revolving Funds
                                      Reimbursement of Prior Year Expenses          (9,927,849)    -        -
                                      San Fernando Valley Stormwater Capture
                                      Projects                                        4,000,000    -        -
                                      Sanitation Contracts                            (270,000)    -        -
                                      Reimbursement of General Fund Costs           (6,715,708)    -        -
                   Community Development Trust Fund
                                      Translation Services                              (1,045)    -        -
                                      Reimbursement of General Fund Costs           (1,053,804)    -        -
                   Home Investment Partnerships Program Fund
                                      Reimbursement of General Fund Costs             (158,166)    -        -
                   Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Trust Fund
                                      Alternate Fuel Fleet Vehicles, Trucks, and      (145,157)    -        -
                                      Electric Vehicle Carshare Program               (100,000)    -        -
                                      Single Audit Contract                             10,000     -        -
                                      Sustainable Transportation Initiatives          (455,584)    -        -
                                      Reimbursement of General Fund Costs              383,556     -        -

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