Page 170 - FY 2021-22 Supporting Information
P. 170

cost  Mayor  (Fiscal  difference
                  Related  the  by  process  the

                  programs.  approved  budget  represents  Explanation   Fund has historically not    Insufficient funds for full related   costs reimbursements.   Insufficient funds for full related    Insufficient funds for full related   costs reimbursements.   Insufficient funds for related    Administrative cap restricts   related costs payment.   Administrative cap restricts   related costs payment.   Administrative cap restricts   related costs payment.   Fund has historically

                  their  been  the  amount                125,348  reimbursed for related costs.   686,565  costs reimbursements.   17,357,153  costs reimbursements.   58,432,728  reimbursed for related costs.   related costs.    costs.

                  support  has  that  through                                                     3,639,452  costs.

                  to  policy  annually  subsidy      74,034,389  15,268,741  1,000,974  25,700  173,582  9,142,951
                  provided  or  reported  Fund

                  costs  ordinance  be  General  General Fund Subsidy

                  related  and  an  by  restricted  shall  subsidy  The  costs.  related   $  125,348   92,655,836  686,565   55,737,493  17,357,153   8,094,270  2,236,044  2,874,419  58,432,728   26,309,437  3,639,452   1,531,267

           2021-22 PROPOSED BUDGET SPECIAL FUND SUBSIDY POLICY  expenditures  direct  all  for  Fund  otherwise  unless  rate,  Plan  remaining  any  Fund,  General  reimburse  fully  not  do between the full cost of all overheads related to work performed and the General Fund reimbursement amount actually included in the Proposed Budget.    Full Reimbursement Amount   $  145

                  the  General  Allocation  Cost  the  reimburse  fully  that  funds  special  -   18,621,447  -     40,468,752  -     7,093,296  2,210,344  2,700,837  -     17,166,486  -     -
                  reimburse  current  not  does  all  of  Proposed Budget General  Fund Reimbursement Amount

                  fully  most  fund  listing  a

                  to  the                         $
                  funds  using  special  a  presents

                  special  calculated  that  exhibit

                  all  event  this                 Solid Waste Resources Revenue   Stormwater Pollution Abatement   Telecommunications Liquidated  Damages & Lost Franchise Fees
                  for  be  the  policy,        Los Angeles Convention and  Visitors Bureau Trust Fund  Special Gas Tax Improvement   Community Development Trust   Home Investment Partnerships   Mobile Source Air Pollution   Local Public Safety Fund  Street Lighting Maintenance   Older Americans Act Fund
                  goal  shall  In           Fund/Schedule Name  Traffic Safety Fund  Reduction Trust Fund  Assessment Fund
                  the  Council.  this                                      Program Fund
                  be  reimbursements  Policy No. 28).   to  Fund  Fund  Fund  Fund
                  shall  City  Pursuant     Sch #  S01  S02  S04  S05  S07  S08  S09  S10  S17  S19  S20  S21

                  It  and

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