Page 33 - FY 2021-22 Supporting Information
P. 33

                                  CAPITAL AND TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE
                                                    FUNDING POLICY

                 Tujunga Wash Greenbelt Park                                                    -               0.35
                 Verdugo Hills Pool and Bathhouse                                               -               0.18
                 Vision Theatre Equipment                                                       -               1.30
                Seismic and Bridge Improvements/Yards and Shops
                 Bridge Improvement Program (BIP) - Program Contingency                         -               0.60
                 Sixth Street Viaduct Replacement Project - Supplemental Construction Funding    2.20           2.30
                 Yards and Shops - Capital Equipment                                            -               0.50
                 Yards and Shops Facilities - Needs Assessment**                                -               2.00
                 Manchester Urban Homes Green Alley                                             -               2.30
                 One Percent for the Arts                                                        0.25           0.67
                                                         Subtotal CTIEP Municipal Facilities $    7.77  $      28.00

              Technology Infrastructure*** Expenditures:
                Finance - LATAX Cloud Migration and Technology Enhancements          $          -    $          1.00
                General City Purposes (GCP) - Digital Inclusion                                 -               5.00
                GCP - Open Data and Digital Services                                            -               1.25
                Information Technology Agency (ITA) - Citywide Fiber Optic Network Replacement  -               3.28
                ITA and Unappropriated Balance (UB) - Human Resources and Payroll Project       -              13.24
                ITA - Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) and Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD)
                Radio Infrastructure Repairs                                                    -               3.77
                ITA - Obsolete Network Equipment Replacement                                    -               2.00
                ITA and UB - Regional Procurement Portal                                        -               1.30
                LAPD - Communication System Maintenance                                         -               2.70
                Public Works, Street Lighting - Asset Management System                         -               1.00
                Public Works, Street Services - Asset Management and Advance Planning           -               2.48
                Transportation - Curb Asset Management System                                   -               1.60
                UB - Zoo Wi-Fi and Data Network Expansion                                       -               2.00
                                               Subtotal Technology Infrastructure Expenditures $  -    $       40.62

              Other Infrastructure Expenditures:
                Pavement Preservation Program                                        $          12.20  $       27.49
                Physical Plant Projects                                                          1.16          33.08
                Sidewalk Repair                                                                 14.57          22.93
                                                   Subtotal Other Infrastructure Expenditures $    27.93  $    83.50

              Total Capital and Technology Infrastructure Projects                   $          35.70  $      152.12

              Percent of General Fund Revenue                                                 0.53%           2.07%

          Net Funding Difference from Policy                                         $         (31.17) $       42.07
          * The one percent target was the appropriate benchmark for the 2020-21 Adopted Budget.
          ** The 2021-22 appropriation includes restoration of funding deferred for budget balancing as part of the 2020-21 Second Financial Status Report (C.F.
          *** Technology projects include Citywide infrastructure and major projects and system replacements. Technology projects do not include infrastructure
          or system projects with an estimated cost of less than $1.00 million unless the project is determined to have a significant Citywide impact. The Mayor's
          2021-22 Proposed Budget is the first fiscal year with the inclusion of technology projects in the CTIEP, and as a result, there are no 2020-21 Adopted
          Budget expenditures provided.

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