Page 48 - FY 2021-22 Supporting Information
P. 48

                                     DETAIL FOR GENERAL FUND OUTLOOK
                                           Fiscal Years 2020-21 through 2025-26
                                                        (Thousand Dollars)

                                               2020-21     2021-22     2022-23    2023-24     2024-25    2025-26
                                               Revised    Proposed    Forecast    Forecast   Forecast    Forecast

           Property Tax (Base)                  1,724,264  1,829,650   1,921,130  2,017,190   2,118,050  2,223,950
           Property Tax - VLF Replacement        539,055     570,600    599,130     629,090    660,540     693,570
           Total Property Taxes                $2,263,319  $2,400,250  $2,520,260  $2,646,280  $2,778,590  $2,917,520
           Redirection of ex-CRA Tax Increment Monies  104,576  111,990  129,189    120,080    126,080     132,380
               Miscellaneous ex-CRA One-Time        923       3,080      14,829
           Electricity Users Tax                 423,800     427,700    443,100     459,050    475,580     492,700
           Communication Users Tax               111,000      95,000     82,370      71,910     63,350      56,630
           Gas Users Tax                          72,700      72,700     72,700      72,700     72,700      72,700
           Utility Users Tax                    $607,500    $595,400   $598,170    $603,660   $611,630    $622,030
           Departmental Revenues                1,275,776  1,208,656   1,363,000  1,437,970   1,476,800  1,516,670
              Departmental Revenues One-Time     139,789      5,420
           Sales Tax                             516,140     606,610    656,070     683,270    705,710     726,970
           Business Tax                          676,900     708,600    764,560     811,150    851,350     881,880
               Business Tax One-Time              28,900
           Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT)         100,750     176,800    251,360     289,060    320,490     334,910
           Power Revenue Transfer                218,355     225,819    230,600     230,600    230,600     230,600
           Documentary Transfer Tax              219,905     219,905    219,910     219,910    219,910     219,910
               Documentary Legal Entity Transfer   3,290      3,290       3,290      3,290       3,290       3,290
           Parking Fines                          88,747     123,621    129,900     129,900    129,900     129,900
           Parking Occupancy Tax                  56,884      99,337    111,270     123,370    126,580     129,870
           Franchise Income *                     82,243      94,617     94,620      94,620     94,620      94,620
               Redirection of Cable Franchise Fees*          12,147
           Special Parking Revenue (SPRF) Transfer     -       8,477     23,500      23,500     23,500      23,500
           Interest                               25,609      19,203     26,124      35,133     35,481      35,832
           Grants Receipts                        92,274      42,069     11,530      11,530     11,530      11,530
               Grant Receipts One-Time (FEMA and Other)  78,402  29,104
           Tobacco Settlement                     10,178      10,178     10,178      10,178
           Residential Development Tax             4,600       4,800      4,800       4,800      4,800       4,800
           State Motor Vehicle License Fees        2,942       2,942      2,940       2,940      2,940       2,940
           Subtotal General Fund Excluding One-Time  $6,098,683   $6,621,670   $7,133,152  $7,477,951  $7,750,511  $8,015,862
           Subtotal General Fund Including One-Time  $6,346,697  $6,659,274  $7,147,981  $7,477,951  $7,750,511  $8,015,862
           American Rescue Plan (ARP)            677,224     677,224
           Fund Transfer
           Total General Fund (with ARP)       $7,023,922  $7,336,498  $7,147,981  $7,477,951  $7,750,511  $8,015,862

           Reported dollar amounts include the impact of ongoing changes and one-time receipts and reductions.
           *Ongoing changes for cable television franchise revenue are included in forecast for franchise income estimates.

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