Page 221 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 1
P. 221


                                        Audits of City Departments and Programs
           Priority Outcome: Make Los Angeles the best run big city in America
           This program conducts risk-based audits in accordance with Government Auditing Standards to meet the
           Charter requirement for an established audit cycle to ensure that the performance, programs, and activities of
           every department are audited on a regular basis and that City resources and funds are adequately
           safeguarded. These audits provide an independent assessment of existing controls and determine if
           departments are operating efficiently and effectively and are producing the desired outcomes, as established
           by City leaders. They ensure that financial and operational activities are accurately reported and conform with
           applicable laws and regulations, and promote the effective use of City resources. Audits recommend
           improvements to operations that save taxpayer dollars and increase program outcomes, and hold department
           management accountable for effecting positive change.

                                  Program Changes                           Direct Cost  Positions   Total Cost

           Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special
             Apportionment of Changes Applicable to Various Programs             (31,815)          -      (31,019)
             Related costs consist of employee benefits.
             SG: ($31,815)
             Related Costs: $796
           Continuation of Services

            11. Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Program Support                          124,011          1       181,424
                Continue funding and add regular authority for one Special
                Investigator II to support the Fraud, Waste, and Abuse
                Program. Related costs consist of employee benefits.
                SG: $124,011
                Related Costs: $57,413
            12. Internal Audit Support for Building and Safety                   123,841          -       181,195
                Continue funding and resolution authority for one Internal
                Auditor IV to strengthen internal controls and provide audit
                support for the Department of Building and Safety. Funding is
                provided by the Building and Safety Building Permit Fund. One
                vacant Internal Auditor III is not continued. Related costs
                consist of employee benefits.
                SG: $123,841
                Related Costs: $57,354

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