Page 362 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 1
P. 362

                                   DETAIL OF CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT

           2022-21      2021-22      2021-22                                                            2022-23
           Actual       Adopted     Estimated                   Program/Code/Description                Contract
         Expenditures   Budget     Expenditures                                                         Amount
                                                 Arson Investigation and Counter-Terrorism - AC3801
       $             5,241  $             6,000  $             6,000  1. Computer-aided legal research services.........................................................  $             6,000
                    38,675                       -            39,000  2. Forensic photographer services......................................................................                       -

       $           43,916  $             6,000  $           45,000  Arson Investigation and Counter-Terrorism Total  $             6,000
                                                 Fire Suppression - AF3803
       $         610,654  $                     -  $           68,000  3. Disaster response support...............................................................................  $                     -
               4,204,119       4,022,163       4,200,000  4. Helitanker lease...............................................................................................       4,143,910
                             -                4,000                       -  5. Pilot proficiency professional services.............................................................              4,000
       $      4,814,773  $      4,026,163  $      4,268,000                       Fire Suppression Total  $      4,147,910

                                                 Hazardous Materials Enforcement - AF3805
       $                     -  $           38,550  $           38,000  6. Hazardous Materials Program plan update.....................................................  $           38,550
                               -            10,000            10,000  7. Property data tracking services (Certified Unified Program Agency)...............            10,000
                             -              60,000            67,000  8. Regulatory compliance tracking system..........................................................            60,000
                             -                         -          200,000  9. Environmental compliance waste disposal......................................................          200,000
       $                     -  $         108,550  $         315,000   Hazardous Materials Enforcement Total  $         308,550

                                                 Fire Prevention - AF3806
       $           45,000  $           30,000  $           45,000  10. Brush database hosting services....................................................................  $           30,000
                    10,118                     -                       -    11. Vehicle rentals.................................................................................................                       -
                             -              20,000            20,000  12. Construction billing services............................................................................            20,000
                    90,000                       -          425,000  13. Fire Inspection Management System development........................................                       -
                    20,202            39,500            21,000  14. Property data tracking services (brush clearance)..........................................            39,500

       $         165,320  $           89,500  $         511,000                     Fire Prevention Total  $           89,500
                                                 Emergency Medical Services - AH3808
       $      5,605,590  $      4,000,000  $      4,000,000  15. Ambulance transportation billing collection.....................................................  $      4,000,000
                  330,094                       -                       -  16. COVID-19 site supplies and materials.............................................................                     -
                               -            75,000                       -  17. Emergency Medical Services compliance audit..............................................            75,000
                  252,185          221,702          256,000  18. Emergency Medical Services wireless service................................................          221,702
               2,367,343       1,761,193       2,324,000  19. Field data capture services..............................................................................       1,761,193
                             -            350,000          350,000  20. Ground Emergency Medical Transport program administration......................          350,000
               6,006,928                       -       6,700,000  21. Ground Emergency Medical Transport quality assurance fee.........................                       -
               3,119,932                 1,616,000  22. Intergovernmental Transfer Program participation expense...........................                       -
                             -                         -                       -  23. Therapeutic Van Transport Pilot Program       2,000,000
       $    17,682,072  $      6,407,895  $    15,246,000                 Emergency Medical Services Total  $      8,407,895
                                                 Training - AG3847

       $                     -  $           26,500  $                     -  24. Automated External Defibrillator training.........................................................  $           26,500
                  114,879                     -            120,000  25. Frank Hotchkin Memorial Training Center security services...........................          120,000
       $         114,879  $           26,500  $         120,000                         Training Total  $         146,500
                                                 Procurement, Maintenance and Repair - AG3848
       $         478,874  $         500,000  $         712,000  26. Environmental compliance waste disposal......................................................  $         500,000
                      2,771                       -                     -    27. Equipment and facility maintenance................................................................                       -
                             -            250,000          250,000  28. Extractor installation in fire stations.................................................................          200,000
                      8,170                       -                     -    29. Towing services...............................................................................................                     -
                  434,543          375,000          500,000  30. Turnout gear cleaning services.......................................................................          375,000
       $         924,358  $      1,125,000  $      1,462,000        Procurement, Maintenance and Repair Total  $      1,075,000

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