Page 411 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 1
P. 411
Recapitulation of Changes
Adopted Total Total
Budget Budget Budget
2021-22 Changes 2022-23
General Fund 5,862,617 (708,094) 5,154,523
Affordable Housing Trust Fund (Sch. 6) 835,913 1,178,490 2,014,403
Community Development Trust Fund (Sch. 8) 5,959,168 (1,801,448) 4,157,720
HOME Investment Partnership Program Fund (Sch. 9) 3,881,820 (293,557) 3,588,263
Community Service Block Grant Trust Fund (Sch. 13) 294,184 (294,184) -
Rent Stabilization Trust Fund (Sch. 23) 9,628,159 1,908,762 11,536,921
Federal Emergency Shelter Grant Fund (Sch. 29) 113,836 93,686 207,522
Foreclosure Registry Program Fund (Sch. 29) 1,029,172 (46,665) 982,507
Housing Impact Trust Fund (Sch. 29) 239,350 649,107 888,457
Housing Production Revolving Fund (Sch. 29) 331,519 41,334 372,853
Lead Grant 12 Fund (Sch. 29) 539,454 45,401 584,855
Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund (Sch. 29) 3,438,142 574,263 4,012,405
SB 2 Permanent Local Housing Allocation Fund (Sch. 29) - 1,129,867 1,129,867
Accessible Housing Fund (Sch. 38) 8,705,217 661,959 9,367,176
Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Fund (Sch. 41) 328,990 131,492 460,482
Systematic Code Enforcement Fee Fund (Sch. 42) 31,110,282 (9,488) 31,100,794
Municipal Housing Finance Fund (Sch. 48) 4,408,763 50,873 4,459,636
Total Funds 76,706,586 3,311,798 80,018,384
Percentage Change 4.32%
Positions 514 - 514