Page 48 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 1
P. 48

Building and Safety

                                              Recapitulation of Changes

                                                                         Adopted         Total         Total
                                                                         Budget         Budget        Budget
                                                                         2021-22       Changes        2022-23

                                        EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS

            Salaries General                                            113,951,121      6,193,330   120,144,451
            Salaries, As-Needed                                            1,701,378       104,459     1,805,837
            Overtime General                                             14,562,850       (12,850)    14,550,000
           Total Salaries                                               130,215,349      6,284,939   136,500,288

            Printing and Binding                                             85,986       (29,969)        56,017
            Contractual Services                                            256,117        360,089       616,206
            Transportation                                                 2,146,526        32,091     2,178,617
            Uniforms                                                          1,500              -         1,500
            Office and Administrative                                       126,049         65,108       191,157
            Operating Supplies                                               41,905            281        42,186
           Total Expense                                                   2,658,083       427,600     3,085,683

           Total Building and Safety                                    132,873,432      6,712,539   139,585,971

                                                                         Adopted         Total         Total
                                                                         Budget         Budget        Budget
                                                                         2021-22       Changes        2022-23

                                                  SOURCES OF FUNDS

           General Fund                                                  11,496,082        755,404    12,251,486
           Foreclosure Registry Program Fund (Sch. 29)                       76,184              -        76,184
           Off-Site Sign Periodic Inspection Fee Fund (Sch. 29)             605,842         27,759       633,601
           Repair & Demolition Fund (Sch. 29)                               384,699         19,958       404,657
           Planning Case Processing Fund (Sch. 35)                          167,850         32,150       200,000
           Building and Safety Building Permit Fund (Sch. 40)           120,142,775      5,877,268   126,020,043

           Total Funds                                                  132,873,432      6,712,539   139,585,971
           Percentage Change                                                                              5.05%

           Positions                                                            911             22           933

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