Page 544 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 1
P. 544
Specialized Enforcement and Protection
Program Changes Direct Cost Positions Total Cost
Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special
Continuation of Services
35. Replacement Helicopter - - -
Funding in the amount of $7.4 million is included in the
Municipal Improvement Corporation of Los Angeles (MICLA)
financing program to purchase one Airbus H125 helicopter.
The Department will retire one patrol helicopter which has
exceeded its useful life to maintain the total airship fleet of 17
36. Contract Security Guard Services 986,357 - 986,357
Add one-time funding in the Contractual Services Account to
fund increased costs for security guard services throughout the
City. Partial funding is provided by the El Pueblo de Los
Angeles Historical Monument Fund ($55,215) and the Arts and
Cultural Facilities and Services Fund ($250,000).
EX: $986,357
37. Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority 78,608,951 - 87,203,647
Continue funding and resolution authority for 125 positions in
alignment with staffing levels approved by the Los Angeles
County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) for the
sixth year of the contract to provide policing of critical Metro
infrastructure, bus, and rail lines within the City. Four Police
Officer IIIs and one Sergeant II position are not continued.
Continue one-time funding in the Overtime General
($1,383,741), Overtime Sworn ($60,139,927), Printing and
Binding ($10,500), Travel ($42,543), Contractual Services
($58,344), Field Equipment Expense ($153,269), Office and
Administrative ($42,650), and Operating Supplies ($58,344)
accounts. Recognize General Fund receipts of $108,014,283 in
reimbursements from Metro. Related costs consist of employee
SG: $2,427,777 SW: $14,291,856 SWOT: $60,139,927
SOT: $1,383,741 EX: $365,650
Related Costs: $8,594,696
38. Call Redirection to Ensure Suicide Safety (CRESS) 960,000 - 960,000
Add one-time funding in the Contractual Services Account to
continue the CRESS Program partnership with the Didi Hirsch
Suicide Prevention Center.
EX: $960,000
TOTAL Specialized Enforcement and Protection 64,982,943 -
D 2021-22 Program Budget 133,091,503 704
Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special 64,982,943 -
2022-23 PROGRAM BUDGET 198,074,446 704