Page 353 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 353
Capital Finance Administration Fund
2022-23 Proposed MICLA Acquisitions
1. Bureau of Sanitation (BOS) Comprehensive Cleaning and Rapid 18,811,000 6,145,000
Engagement (CARE) Vehicles Purchase
2. BOS Solid Resources Program Vehicles and Equipment 5,000,000 1,633,000
3. Bureau of Street Lighting Electric Vehicle Charging Stations 2 3 2,400,000 784,000
4. Bureau of Street Services Electric Vehicles - Consolidated Equipment 2 3,410,000 1,114,000
5. Fire Department (Fire) Helicopter Replacement 2,600,000 849,000
6. Fire Vehicle Replacement 20,000,000 6,534,000
7. Fire Voice Radio System Upgrade (Phase II) 4,000,000 1,307,000
8. General Services Department Vehicle and Equipment Replacement 8,000,000 2,613,000
9. Information Technology Agency (ITA) Public Safety Radio 1,200,000 392,000
Infrastructure Replacement
10. ITA Simulcast Trunk Radio System Replacement 3,900,000 1,274,000
11. Police Helicopter Replacement 7,351,537 2,402,000
12. Police Vehicle Replacement 9,378,000 3,064,000
13. Zoo Department (Zoo) Computer Tomography Scanner 1,182,831 386,000
14. Zoo Electric Utility Golf Carts 2 40,000 13,000
SUBTOTAL $ 87,273,368 $ 28,510,000
15. Arlington Livability Services Division (LSD) Regional Facility 488,721 329,000
16. Asphalt Plant I - Annex Site Improvements 2 8,629,774 5,813,000
17. Asphalt Plant I - Recycled Asphalt Pavement Canopy Structure 2 230,000 155,000
18. Barnsdall Park - Residence A 1,600,000 1,078,000
19. Bridge Improvement Program (BIP) - Program Contingency 400,000 269,000
20. Building Equipment Lifecycle Replacement 2,500,000 1,684,000
21. Capital Program - Bureau of Street Services 750,000 505,000
22. Capital Program - Figueroa Plaza Buildings 549,000 370,000
23. Capital Program - Public Works Building 1,514,625 1,020,000
1 Estimated interest is based on 5.5% interest paid over the life of the bonds. Actual interest rate will depend on market conditions
at the time of bond issuance.
2 Funding to support climate goals as outlined in the Mayor's Green New Deal (2019) and in alignment with the Green Bond
Principles established by the International Capital Market Association.
3 Of this amount, $1,200,000 is contingent on a fully executed memorandum of understanding with the Los Angeles Department of
Water and Power.