Page 430 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 430
Human Resources Benefits
Direct Costs
PROGRAM CHANGES 2021-22 Program Level $ 774,377,710
1. Civilian Benefits Program. Funding is provided for health, dental, life, and disability 1,677,748
insurance benefits. Rates for 2022-23 are projected to increase by 2.0 percent for health
benefits and no change for dental benefits. The projected cost assumes a 1.0 percent
increase in enrollment.
2. Contractual Services. Funding is provided for the Civilian LAwell Benefits Program and 5,340,577
Workers' Compensation Third Party Administrators (TPAs) and for workers' compensation
claims bill review, utilization review, claims management system, and the Alternative Dispute
Resolution Program. Funding is increased for contract rates of the Workers' Compensation
3. Employee Assistance Program. Funding is provided for Employee Assistance Program 7,861
services for all civilian and sworn employees. The projected cost assumes a 1.0 percent
increase in civilian enrollment, Police sworn enrollment, and Fire sworn enrollment.
4. Fire Health and Welfare Program. Funding is provided to cover the cost of health, dental, 1,798,977
life, and disability insurance benefits for sworn Fire employees. Rates for 2022-23 are
projected to increase by 2.0 percent for health and dental benefits. The projected cost
assumes 1.0 percent growth in enrollment.
5. Police Health and Welfare Program. Funding is provided to cover the costs of health, 2,272,222
dental, life, and disability insurance benefits for sworn Police employees. Rates for 2022-23
are projected to increase by 2.0 percent for health and dental benefits. The projected cost
assumes 1.0 percent growth in enrollment.
6. Supplemental Civilian Union Benefits. Funding is provided to cover the cost of (108,997)
union‐sponsored benefit plans, negotiated in Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs), that are
supplemental to the City’s health benefits. Funding is decreased to reflect reductions in
civilian enrollment during 2021-22. The projected cost assumes an increase of 1.0 percent in
civilian enrollment.
7. Unemployment Insurance. Funding is provided to pay state-mandated unemployment 800,000
insurance costs for current and former employees (full-time and part-time) who have
separated from City service or had their wages reduced. Funding is increased to reflect costs
for continuing claims initiated in 2021-22.
8. Workers’ Compensation. Funding is provided to cover the cost of workers' compensation 19,165,000
benefits and rehabilitation bills, claims, and awards ($215.9 million) and the fee that the State
of California assesses to self-insured employers ($15.7 million). Funding is increased to
reflect projected expenditures including continuing impacts of COVID-19.
TOTAL CHANGES $ 30,953,388
2021-22 Program Budget $ 774,377,710
Changes $ 30,953,388
PROPOSED 2022-23 PROGRAM BUDGET $ 805,331,098